Tones......we think of music, both voice and instrumental, but have we ever thought of our voice tones when speaking to others, about others, or just general conversation.
The tone of our voice says a lot about us and the type of individual we are. It often reflects what is in our hearts. Are we a forceful, adamant, in charge, assertive, angry, impatient individual or are we gentle, kind, loving, compassionate person. The list could go on and on.
Our voice should reflect what God has done in our hearts and lives.....called GRACE. Scripture "tells us that as a man thinks in His heart so is He." Prov. 23:7
Phil. 4:8 "Finally, brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue, and if there be an praise, think on these things."
Let's check our hearts and what we are thinking because it does come forth from our mouths in our voice tone.....
b. shoppy
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
I stand at the door and knock
We had tea together, talked together, and now we were praying together. The older woman sitting at the table with me had acknowledged she had never invited Christ into her life. Her tears flowed easily as we prayed. After the Amen, I asked, "Wouldn't you like to invite Christ into your life right now?" She shook her head "No," and said, "It just can't be that easy."
Oh, my friends, receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior is that easy. Jesus said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and will sup with him." The coming in part is uncomplicated. A simple invitation, "Come on in." It's the sup part that can get complicated. When Christ comes in, He comes to stay. He wants to live with you forever, a permanent roommate! That means your life is very likely to change. Life changes even with an earthly roommate, but now you have a heavenly roommate living right inside of you, one who knows ALL. And this roommate wants to take charge, so changes will definitely be coming. When we receive Christ, our vision seems to change. We see things in a new light. Our desires change. The "must haves" lose their luster. At times, the changes can be a little frightening or confusing, but the best part is We are never alone again. He will always be with us. If you have never invited Christ into your life, I would urge you to do it now. It really is that easy. It just takes a simple, "Come on in." Then get ready for the ride of your life!
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17).
Marilyn Heavilin
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Did you ever just have a YUCKY day?
Did you ever just have a YUCKY day?
The day started in a normal way...coming in to work today after being off for two days and I was excited about being back and jumping back in. Well, as you can tell from the title it seemed that all my phone calls I answered were strange, odd and unusual. Then after chatting with a few people the day seemed to become more difficult. Then I received an email that was the icing on the cake.
This could probably describe most anyone's day at home, work or school. I had to take a moment to pray that God would keep my words kind and my attitude in check. Did you ever just want to yell at everyone because you were having a bad day? Maybe we feel that if we are having a bad day then everyone needs to also.
I came across someone else having the same type of day. It is amazing how when we are in these situations we want to have every one join in with us. Woe... (I had to stop myself, smile at this person and politely walk away). This could have been a bad moment and a time for Satan to jump in where he does not need to be. Two Christians comparing the stuff of the day can turn into a bad situation.
On that same day I also received another email...titled, " Do you encourage each staff member, each day?" from the Christian Chamber of Commerce (Steve Marr, Business Proverbs, Daily Wisdom for the Workplace). This saved the day!! The scripture listed was
Hebrews 3:13, NASB
"...encourage one another day after day..."
So I decided to email someone that had done a great job over the weekend and send them some encouragement. Also, I found two other people and did a kind deed for them.
I am a big advocate of encouragement...maybe I need it more than most. But I tell you a kind word, smile, hug (not my favorite), a little note, an offer to get a cup of coffee etc...can make a persons day.
I did find that it I turned my day around when I encouraged someone. Since the Lord has instructed us to encourage one another, we should be doing this often.
What a way to make my day seem see someone get a smile from encouragement that I passed on to them. I made a point the rest of the day that I was not giving into my yucky day and that I would look for opportunities to bring a smile to someone face.
Psalm 37:7
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Holding God's Hand
Many years ago, a woman from our church with various health issues struggled periodically with depression. I remember her husband sharing that there were times when she literally would reach heavenward and imagined herself holding God's hand. Isaiah 40:10 & 13, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand...For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, 'Fear not, I will help you.'"
What a wonderful picture of taking God at His word and a promise that we can literally hold on to.
When God seems far away, remember this promise, reach out and grip the hand of God.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Sudden Problems, Sudden Change
As long as I can remember, I have not liked my reaction to sudden problems or sudden change. My long-term reaction has been fine, but it seems I had to "process" the problem or change before I could have an appropriate reaction. Sometimes my immediate reaction has been intense anger. Recently, I once again took my problem to the Lord. I asked Him to help me have a better immediate reaction to problems. I knew the verse, "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh." (Luke 6:45) I didn't like what I understood from that verse. If I was having negative or angry reactions, it meant my heart was full of negativity and anger. I cleansed my heart before the Lord, but I still didn't like my initial response to problems. The Lord helped me see that even while my heart was clear, I had acquired a learned response to problems. So I asked the Lord to teach me how to have a better response.
I remembered a story my friend Diana told of her little son Jimmy. One day she heard him use a "bad" word. She was shocked that such words could come out of the mouth of this innocent child. She explained to Jimmy that he needed to find a new word to express himself when he was upset, a word that was more acceptable in their home. Shortly she was able to observe her son in an upsetting situation, and she heard him express his unhappiness with "Oh, chocolate doughnuts!
I was thinking of Jimmy as I asked the Lord for a new response. "Oops" came to me. Have you ever tried to say "Oops" without smiling or giggling? I think it is impossible. We have had several "Oops" moments in the past week, and the negative reactions still rear their ugly head occasionally, but "Oops" is beginning to take hold. There have been times when one "Oops" wouldn't do and I have heard myself say, "Oops, oops, oops," but the climate is shifting in our home.
How about you? What is your heart filled with? Do you need a cleansed heart or a new word? Ask and it will be given.
"Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that which he alloweth" (Romans 14:22).
Marilyn Heavilin
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Because of a little Bug....
Because of a little Bug....
"...making the most of every opportunity..."
Ephesians 5:16a
Yesterday while sitting in church, there was a new person sitting in front of me. During the announcements they called out her name and announced that she was saved at our Vacation Bible School. WOW....and we think VBS is just for kids.
I made a point after the meeting was over to reach out my hand to introduce myself and say welcome her to the Chapel and to the Family of God. She was excited to share her new found faith with me.
When I asked her what was the one thought that made her realize that she needed to be saved she said "it was the bugs". We had a bug theme program this year and at one of the closing messages (where the parents are invited to sit in on the message), the speaker talked about relating about bugs.
He was referring to how if we wanted to talk to a bug we would need to become one of them. Then he referred it to how God became man and became one of us to share His Love and Salvation with mankind.
This one little story of a bug was the trigger for her to realize she needed a Savior.
We need to watch our words; we need to be on guard at every never know when what we say will introduce someone to the Lord.
How many times have we passed up an opportunity to share the Gospel with someone? We struggle with "I don't know what to say" or "I was just afraid". This time it was only the words of a little bug (oh how simple) to touch a heart. Ladies let us remember that we need to be a missionary and on fire for the Lord at all times.
Romans 15:20a (New International Version)
"It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known."
Share your faith with someone today!!! Make this verse your verse for today.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
These are the sounds one hears if you are a spectator at the Indianapolis 500 Car Race or at a NASCAR event. It is very difficult to hear anyone talk or speak and impossible to carry on a conversation under these conditions.
In our lives today, we are often so busy living in the fast lane that we fail to hear what the Lord is saying to us. Noise drives out the still quiet voice of His Word and Spirit to our hearts.
We zoom, swish, and sometimes boom and bang with activities, programs, etc...thinking all of them are vitally important and extremely essential. Let us stop and remember that Isa. 30:15 "in quietness and confidence will be your strength."`
b. shoppy
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Think On These Things...
One morning, before anyone else was even up; I was struggling with ungodly thoughts. You know the ones I mean -- negative, lies, conjecture, imaginations, unjust, impure, ugly, angry, bitter, etc. Basically the opposite of that which Philippians 4:8 commands us to think about. "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things."
It doesn't take long to get on that runaway train heading down the wrong track in our minds. Perhaps it is rehearsing someone's offense against us, or the disappointment of someone not keeping their word, or guilt and shame from past choices, or your finances or relationships; and the list goes on and on.
If you have ever tried to not think about something it is that very thing that tends to fight for center stage in our mind. Just saying, "I'm not going to think about that" usually lasts milliseconds. Sometimes it feels impossible to stop particular thoughts. Yet, it must be possible. Romans 12:2, " not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
That particular morning I cried out to God for His mercy that He would show me how to deal with such an aggressive and resilient enemy. Within moments He led me to Philippians 4:8. I started solidifying that verse in my mind which I knew in general for years. Each time during the day and since that I found my thoughts going where they ought not, I recalled this verse to mind. It has been an effective tool in knocking the "power" out of wrong thoughts.
Try it. You will find that you are one step closer to renewing your mind.
Monday, August 21, 2006
the faithfulness of God
My Bible reading has been in I and II Kings recently. As each King is named the Bible often reads "He did evil in the eyes of the Lord," or "He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord." Often times the father went one way and the son went the opposite. We want to think if we do right, our children will do right as well, but it isn't always so. What makes the difference?
I read a verse in Deuteronomy 11:2 that says "Remember today that your children were not the ones who saw and experienced the discipline of the Lord your God." Throughout that chapter, we are reminded repeatedly that our children were not there to see the miracles of God or the discipline of God.
Have you shared with your children what your life was like before you received Christ? Have there been consequences of that life? Have you told them of the times, even as a Christian, when you blew it completely? Have you told them of the times you were disciplined by God?
Children need to know why we follow God's word. What has happened when we haven't followed God's plan? Our children need to know that we have experienced the discipline of the Lord and because of that we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He loves us. He cared enough about us to allow us to experience His discipline.
I have learned that nothing we do is unforgivable, but many things are irreparable. We cannot undo a broken marriage, an abortion, or the loss of virginity. However, we can always be forgiven even though the consequences of our acts can seldom be removed.
Make sure you let your children know of the faithfulness of God.
"Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up" (Deuteronomy 11:18-19).
Marilyn Heavilin
Friday, August 18, 2006
Sometimes the wise thing to do is to be quiet
My dad celebrated his 80th birthday in December. Growing up he had a number of sayings that I still recall today. When we asked where he was going, he would say, "Buffalo Raceway, wanna go along?" (That never sounded like too much fun so we declined -then he was free to go to the hardware store alone). When we played pass-the-buck, he'd say, "Don't be an alibi-ike". When we talked too much are said something foolish, he'd say, "It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and prove it." I was reminded again of Dad's wise words when I came across Proverbs 17:28, "Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive."
Have you ever said something that you wish you could take back? Perhaps you realized after saying it that it really sounded worse out loud than it did in your head. Now that we have email to contend with the problem has grown. More often than I care to admit, I have sent an email that I wish I could take back. It really is no better than harsh verbal words because emails exist somewhere forever. You may delete them but they lurk somewhere in cyberspace.
Harsh or inappropriate words can leave a lasting impression on the person whose ears heard them. In my 15 years of counseling I have heard many, many individuals recount the exact words spoken to them 10, 15, 30 years ago which continue to affect them today.
Brian, our computer guru, sent an email to our entire staff a few weeks ago on email etiquette and the one pointer that struck home for me and that I have tried to put into practice is to not write anything in email that you would not write on a post card. That is great advice and I think can keep us from undo offenses. If we took that same principle and applied it to our verbal words it could serve as a potent grid through which we pass our thoughts and words.
It took me years to learn that not every thing that pops into my silly, little head needs to come out of my mouth.
Sometimes we need to just keep our thoughts to ourselves.
Sometimes the wise thing to do is to be quiet.
Can you identify?
Thursday, August 17, 2006
A KIND word... a lost art.
A KIND word... a lost art.
"...encourage one another day after day..." Hebrews 3:13, NASB
WOW, is this a thing in the PAST...have we forgotten how to share a kind word. I don't know if something is in the air lately or not, but kind words are not.
You know the saying if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all. My mother drilled that in our heads growing up. She also taught us to put our selves in someone else's place to try and understand why they do what they do etc....
Within the past 2 weeks I have had 2 times where someone give me "the finger" (not sure how to say that more politely). I have had people makes jokes in front of me at someone else's expense. I have even walked around just at the supermarket witnessing things that I can not believe.
I am now even seeing this in the Christian circles....Sisters, please be kind one to another.
"...encourage one another day after day..." Hebrews 3:13, NASB
Proverbs 12:25 (New International Version)
"An anxious heart weighs a man down,
but a kind word cheers him up."
Titus 2:5 (New International Version)
"to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind"
Zechariah 1:13 (New International Version)
"So the LORD spoke kind and comforting words..."
I guess some of us (if you are like me) need kind words spoken. Did you ever notice when you ask someone something with a kind word and voice that they are so willing to work with you and help you.
The older I get the more I see how kind words can make or break a situation. I really don't think that any of us want to be spoken to in harsh words yet we tend to speak this way to our fellow brothers and sisters. Let's not forget that our husbands and children are also our brothers and sisters in Christ. I heard a speaker refer to this one time and it made me think twice on how I speak to my sons (brothers in Christ) even when discipline needs to take place.
Share a kind word with someone today and build them up.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
On a whim, I recently decided to put my name into the computer search engine and see how often it appeared on the web. Would you believe, twenty-five pages popped up, filled with my name. At first I was so impressed with my apparent fame, but then I began to wonder what everyone said. Was it negative or positive? As I hurried through the pages, I was so relieved to see all of the comments were positive, but I also realized there certainly is no privacy on the internet.
I remember a friend said he wasn't going to register for e-mail because he wanted to protect his privacy. Just to prove a point, I entered his name, and up popped his unlisted address and phone number with an offer on the screen to provide a map to his home! I admit the internet is certainly the "Tell all" of this generation.
Then my mind moved on to the heavenly realm. God is bigger than any computer. He KNOWS ALL. There are no secrets with Him. Scripture says there is a time when good and bad works will be displayed for all to see. "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad" (Revelation 20:11). Wouldn't you like to have a delete button that day? Let us live in such a way that we don't have to worry about what will be revealed, no secrets, no pretense. Aren't you glad the Lord promised when we confess our sins, He will remember them no more? "For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more" (Jeremiah 31:34).
Our delete button is this: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).
Marilyn Heavilin
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
A gift from my Father...
"Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
A gift from my Father...
"I need a new car Lord and I have no money! By the way, could it have a sunroof... please?
Recently the Lord impressed upon me the need to really start praying about a new car. So...I emailed my pastor right away. (Stay with me this will all make perfect sense in a minute) You see about four years ago he called me and said a person in our church was getting a new car and would like to give me her old one. It had a lot less miles than the one I currently had and she had taken good care of it, so of course I gratefully accepted and have been driving it since then. Well, now it has about 250,000 miles on it and as you can imagine gets repairs regularly. I thought it was wiser to plan ahead than wait until it was beyond repair. So who else would come to mind except my favorite pastor, a.k.a. my car dealer. I emailed him and told him the details and his reply was "ok, you have my attention, let's start to pray and we'll wait and see what the Lord is going to do." The very next night I received a call from a couple at church who had just bought a new car and wanted to give me their old one. They had just asked pastor if he knew of anyone who might need one!
The car is just great. Not only does it have less than half the mileage of my old car, but it's in excellent condition, runs great and is really nice. The best part is it has a SUNROOF! When I saw it I thought; wow Lord you really do spoil your children sometimes! I was so excited, until they told me it hasn't worked since last summer, and urged me not to open it! That was it...this would have to get fixed immediately, forget the oil change it needs...this would be top priority! One sunny day I gave in to the temptation to see if it worked and to my delight and amazement the sunroof works great!
God is soooo good.....................
(Matthew 7: 7-12)
Monday, August 14, 2006
The Lord will accomplish what concerns me
Recently, Psalm 138:8 "The Lord will accomplish what concerns me", became very real to me. I have it framed and hanging by my stove. It was early in the morning and as I read it I wondered what He had in store for me that day.
My husband and I were going locally to get a bite to eat and the car began to make a loud noise. I wondered, as did he, if we could make it back home safely. Both of us were praying and again the verse Psalm 138:8 came to my heart and peace came as well. We go across a very busy, busy, route and back to our own driveway. We stopped and thanked God for His protection and His promise of Psalm 138:8, "The Lord will accomplish what concerns me."
Take your concerns to Him today, but above all claim His promise of this verse.
B. Shoppy
Friday, August 11, 2006
He Is...He Answers
He Is...He Answers
When life throws you a fire engulfed curve ball, it's a solid opportunity to stop everything and pay attention to something.
My life and that of my family has received such a thing about a month ago. It was like a hammer blow to my mind and heart. I wanted to scream. In fact, I think I did. My mind was instantly flooded with questions -all of which, (none of which) I could answer.
What are we to do then? What was I to do? Where do we run? Who do we talk to, cry to or cry on for that matter?
It really goes without saying, (but I'm gonna anyway) that we go to God who can, does and will answer every question. It may be with a 'yes', a 'no', a 'wait'; or sometimes a simple 'trust me', but He always answers. He is, after all, LOVE.
I Corinthians 13 gives us all the words ever needed to define love. And so, God, being LOVE would never "dis" us and leave us without an answer...even if, His response is a gentle shush, the distraction of a glorious mountain vista, sunset on the bay, or rose scented wind kissing your sense of smell...He answers.
And yes, even in stillness - He answers. Any lack of discernable movement does not mean God isn't around or that He isn't aware. He is. He simply...Is!
If it were not true you wouldn't be reading this Victory Call from me. By now, I'd have curled up in a fetal ball and given up. But being His child compels me to cry out to the God who alone is hope and by grace alone receive the ability to cope with everything...even this.
Romans 15:13 encourages us with these words:
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."
Thus, the something, (the Someone) that I am paying closer attention to is God. He is My Shepherd. Though I walk in this valley of uncertainty, I will fear nothing because He is with me.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
"God never convicts us of sin to make sure we know how wretched we are, for he calls us the righteousness of God in Christ. Rather, God convicts us through His Holy Spirit because He is grieved when fellowship between us is broken. Learn to develop a thankfulness toward a keen conviction of sin and pray for it in the lives of your children. God's heart cry is 'Come Home.' " Beth Moore, A Woman's Heart God's Dwelling Place, Pg. 148.
Don't flee the conviction of God. It is evidence that the Holy Spirit is at work in your life. Is there an area of your life that God is putting His finger on that He wants to draw your attention to? Don't recoil, receive. God brings conviction not for the purpose of condemnation but for freedom. "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." Romans 8:1; "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Romans 12:9-11 gives us some commands for everyday Christian living......practical commands, yet sometimes these commands are difficult to apply and follow. It takes an act of our WILL and most of all dying to ourselves in obedience to what we know is His
will and not ours.
Verse 9, tells us "don't love superficially, (be genuine, be honest) vs.10 "to be devoted to one another" ( don't desire to always be in first place......practice playing second fiddle) verse 11 tells us "don't lag behind in diligence" (don't burn out, don't quit in hard times).
Whether it be house work, our career, our ministry or our volunteer service we encounter opportunities to put these verses to practice.
The enemy (Satan) will subtly tempt you to engage in situations that will cause you to sin in not being obedient to these commands. I trust that today you may cry out to the Lord for His help in dying to self and getting victory.
B. Shoppy
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Sitting in the other seat.....
Sitting in the other seat.....
Daniel 2:21 (New International Version)
"He changes times and seasons..."
I am learning lessons in life as I get older and life just is moving on. It is amazing when we are in the "Drivers" seat what we see and how we handle ourselves but ask us to move over and what happens? Well recently I have had to move over....yes my oldest is now driving and life has moved us to this point and moved me over. I see things from such a new perspective.
When I was in "control" and I was driving and making the choices I had a sense of confidence, control and peace. My life was under my control. Now I had to give this up and let my son take control (or at least a little), he needs to make the choices and my sense of confidence and peace is just not the same.
When you are in "control" you have a different vision of things also. I see certain signs, road blocks, situations on the road etc....and now that I am in the passenger seat I see more of the beauty of the road, a new store just put up or different signs that I didn't realize that were even there before.
Being the only driver in our home for 20 years put me in the situation of having to take charge many times. Now this role is somewhat changing for me and I am not liking it very much.
While driving the other day my son was coming closer to a railing then I felt comfortable with....then I realized that he was driving correctly but it was just that I was sitting in a different seat and it made the railing seem closer.
Now where am I going with all this? The Lord puts us in many seats in our life time. There will be times that we are in the driver's seat and need to be in charge, and then again other times in the passenger seat where we need to rely on someone else to take charge for a while.
As we walk or drive in our Christian life we need to be confident and at peace in both seats. The Lord moves us around for His purpose and He will give us the confidence, peace, wisdom to make the right choices etc....if we rely on Him and Him alone to fill these needs in our life.
When you are coming to close to the railing....just remember that maybe God has just moved you over for a while and that the railing is really in the same spot as before but your perspective is just different.
Ask God to move you over to the other seat from time to time. Change is a good thing and a new perspective is a good thing too.
Jeremiah 18:4 (New International Version)
"But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him."
Monday, August 07, 2006
In life we are often faced with unexpected turns. We have to learn to flex and adapt to the twists and turns. We know changes are part of life. But sometimes in life we see a road sign that says "Dead End," "No Outlet." So then what do we do? We can try to ignore the sign, but we can't go very far, can we? At least when we get a "Dead End" sign, we don't have to wonder what God wants us to do. We have little choice, we can't move ahead on a familiar road, and we know it is fruitless to buck against the road sign. These are the times when God wants to provide us with a new road. It may not be the road we would choose, but God will direct us.
When our son Nathan was killed by a drunken driver, I felt like I had hit a dead end. I wanted to continue as Nathan's mom. I wanted to watch him grow up, go to college, and hopefully marry and have lots of children. However, those options were closed to me. I didn't like my options: live without Nathan, learn to understand grief, encourage others. But God gave me a verse I clung to. "He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be astounded. They will put their trust in the Lord" (Psalm 40:3 TNLB). God has kept His promise to me.
How about you? Are you facing a Dead End with no outlets? Perhaps God is waiting for you to look to Him to create a new path for you. It may not be the path you would choose, but He has promised He will give you a new song and others will be astounded. Trust Him. He loves you, and He has His best in store for you.
Marilyn Heavilin
Friday, August 04, 2006
Being Prepared
I just finished reading a devotion and in it the author made reference to "being prepared". After reading it I paused and asked myself the question he raised, "Are my documents in order?"
You know, just like one needs a passport to enter this country or some valid proof of citizenship, anyone seeking to entrance heaven will need the right documents.
As I sit here in the lobby of my hotel, watching shuttle after shuttle come and go, picking up passenger after passenger, my mind drew a picture.
Instead of an airport shuttle bus exclusively for this hotels guest, what if that bus was my way to heaven and to board I needed to show proof that I was a citizen. Would I have the right documents? In other words, would I be prepared?"
'"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (God) except through me."' --John 14:6
My proof of citizenship is Jesus. His Way! His Truth! His Life! I praise God that it is not dependent on me doing more good things than bad things; belonging to the right and best church; evangelizing a certain number of people; saying enough Hail Mary's and Our Father's; bowing before the sun or a wall a certain number of times a day or year; being happy, happy, happy all the time, or any other thing.
It's His Way, His Truth, and His Life alone and I fervently praise God that it aint up to anyone or anything else.
Dear one, are you ready? Are you prepared? Is Jesus believed, accepted and known by you? Is your life marked by His Truth and no other truth?
If so, take the time to praise Him today with renewed passion and thanksgiving.
If not, incline your ear and listen for His call on your life, run into His outstretched arms and receive The Way.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Your word has given me life
Remember the word to Your servant, upon which you have caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your word has given me life. Psalm 119:49-50
Unless we have nurtured a delight in God's word, it seems to be the last thing we want to do when we are troubled. Why is it our propensity to see the Word of God as a last resort rather than as our first resort?
I remember being a new believer going through suffering. I had a notebook with numerous Scriptures, yet as I looked at them, they brought me no comfort; they were as words on the page. I had little experience with believing God's Word or knowing His faithfulness to me personally. Now many years later years of ups and downs, trials and peace, failures and victories, I have, to some degree, nurtured a love and passion for the Word of God. I still have far to go but I do resonate with the last sentence of our days verse. The Word is a comfort in my affliction, and His word has given me life.
What are you doing today to nurture a delight in His Word?
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
one of those days
"Remember the word to Your servant, upon which You have caused me to hope."
Psalm 119:49
Ever have one of those days (weeks, months) when you feel like you are floundering, like things are in disarray, disjointed, or jumbled? Perhaps there are things in your world that just don't mesh; or make sense. Ever feel like you have your back against the wall and don't know which way to turn? Ever feel overwhelmed and anxious?
Take a moment to take your eyes off of your situation or circumstances and remember the Word. Allow the Holy Spirit to recall to your mind the soothing words of Scripture. "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth." Colossians 3:2 There is something comforting about seeing life from God's perspective which we get from the Scriptures. We can "get our knickers in a knot" (as my husband used to say) when we dwell on our circumstances focusing on the horizontal. Yet, we can have hope when we remember the Word focusing on the vertical. Like a cool breeze on a hot day, our souls can be refreshed. Our hope is renewed as we meditate on the truth of the Scriptures and the faithfulness of the Author.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
anxious thoughts
Do you have anxious thoughts? We say no, we are just wondering, just being concerned, or thinking out loud.
Scripture tells us in Ps. 94:19, "When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Thy consolations (love, comfort) delight my soul".
There is much in life today to be anxious about (humanly speaking), but for the Christian we can turn those "anxious thoughts" over to Him....when they begin. Better yet, we are told to "be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God, and the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6-7
May your anxious thoughts turn into praises of thanksgiving.
Full of confidence
Has anyone given you an assignment, a challenge, or opportunity and you immediately responded....sure, I can do problem!? Full of confidence you trek forward in your own strength. However, the end result is that we often fall flat on our face.
Paul tells the Corinthians, in 2 Corinthians 3:5, that "we are not adequate (sufficient, competent, capable, able) in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God."
He tells us in Philippians 4:13 that "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me."
We must yield our talents, ambitions, strengths, training, education etc. to Him, and dying to our selves He will produce actions, assignments, challenges and opportunities that will in the end bring glory to Him (God) I Cor. 10:31 "Whether therefore you eat or drink, do ALL to the glory of God."
B. shoppy
I want to offer again to send my Victory Call friends a set of the messages that Dr. Jimmy De Young has presented at America's KESWICK this past week on Bible prophecy. It is a timely series in light of all that is taking place right now in the Middle East. We ask that you consider a special summer gift to help us with our summer conference expenses. Respond to this email to let me know you want the CD's and be sure to include your mailing address. If you'd like to make your gift on-line, you can do so right from our home page: Mark your gift "Prophecy Series." Your help at this time will be greatly appreciated.
Releasing the Fragrance (Part 3)
Releasing the Fragrance (Part 3)
I always hate it when people tell me to live Christ... but fail to give me action steps. I am a very hands on kind of person. Philosophy and teaching is great, but help me to make application. That is what I love so much about scripture... it not just tells me about God and his plan, but it is a HOW TO... book about living out the teachings.
So, let's follow-up our discussion about being the aroma of Christ by seeing what scripture says about how to release the fragrance in our world.
We need to HONOR and WORSHIP Him. Remember from the first devotional that in the OT fragrance was a way to worship him. Do people see you living worship? Do you verbally praise Him and give Him the credit for what happens in your lives? This means for the good times as well as the tough times.
We must live in LOVE and OBEDIENCE to Him. SOS 4:10 says that "Love is more pleasing than the sacrifice of incense" Do we walk in Love? (I John 4)
God tells us to find out what pleases Him and DO IT. (Eph. 5:10, James 4:17 and Romans 12:2). We must always do our faith and not just say our faith.
We need to live a life of THANKFULNESS. Israel offered animal sacrifices, Romans offered incense in thanks to their gods. Malachi 1:11 tells us to have a pure attitude of thankfulness for what He has done in our lives. Often we say we are thankful, but we don't always really mean it, or we are always wanting more and not thankful for what we have.
God calls us to FORGIVE. Ephesians 4:32 - tells us to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ forgave you. You want to blow someone away, forgive them - before they ask for forgiveness. You want to live a life not riddled with bitterness - forgive and let go. What a testimony when others see that in our lives.
When we give our WHOLE LIFE to Christ we are very fragrant. Let God use you... let Him take the gifts He has given you and make His glory known (Romans 12). God doesn't want you to put on His perfume only occasionally He wants you to display His aroma at all times.
One of the greatest demonstrations to others that we have something unique and special is when we WALK in JOY. See, God has anointed you with the oil of gladness (Psalms 45:7-8), His perfume "rejoices the Heart" (Proverbs 27:9) and Paul tells us in Philippians 4:4 that this joy is to be demonstrated at all times.
I could go on and on, but those are challenges enough for me, yet I must add one more final thought because without this people will not come to know our CHRIST. We need to SPEAK THE WORD of God. In 2 Cor. 2:17, the fragrance is released as Paul speaks, God's word has the power to reveal Christ. Let us not be afraid to speak of Him. It's easier to talk about many things in life - often we find talking about Him as the most difficult. Many times it is because we are afraid of what people will think. Romans 1:16 reminds us not to be ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation. People come to us for our opinion on things - next time don't give your opinion... say well let's see what God says. It's not about my words - it's about the power of the word of God.
Try it... Every day when you are getting ready for the day, put on the fragrance of God and wear him into the world. You will make a difference!