Friday, June 10, 2005

regurgitated truth

I counsel a lot of people who are relying solely on others to feed them truth. What I mean by that is, they read devotionals, watch television preachers and services, listen to Christian radio and read wonderful Christian books. These are all good. They are all great resources; but they are all pre-processed truth. I tell people it is regurgitated truth.

I remember in elementary school seeing films of birds that fed their young that way. Mama or papa bird would go find food, "chew" it up and come back to the nest. The little tiny baby birds would peck at the parent's beak to get some of the chewed up food. I remember thinking, Yuk! But you know, those baby birds grew up and started to go in search for food themselves. They did not rely on mama and papa forever.

I see devotions and preaching and Christians books much the same way. They are wonderful, but they cannot be your sole, steady diet. You need to go in search for food yourself to sustain your spirit. In addition to all those good things, you need to personally be in God's word, seeking nourishment directly from the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 119 is one of my favorite Psalms. It is the longest Psalm with 176 verses, each a morsel to savor. I just picked two of the verses that are appropriate to our topic today, although there are many.

Psalm 119: 15-16, "I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word."

Your challenge for today is to read Psalm 119, jot down any thoughts the Lord impresses upon you.


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