Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The key to spiritual maturity is applying God's Word to your life!

Sometimes we confuse Bible knowledge with spiritual maturity. We think by knowing more about the Bible, it automatically makes us better Christians. You can read and read, even memorize, verse after verse, but until you apply it to your life, you are not growing spiritually as God wants you to.
For instance, the verse Isaiah 26:3 tells us we can have perfect peace. We read it, but do we believe it? Can we experience inner peace just by reading about it? No! The trust has to be here, the willingness to believe God will take care of your worries and problems and give peace for them.
We can also look at other verses such as 1 Peter 5:7 and Matthew 11:28 or Philippians 4:6-7. These are cross-references for Isaiah 26:3. We need to study them, yes, but we have to apply His Words to our hearts.
Remember in English class when we looked for �who, what, where, and why�?
Isaiah 26:3. �Who� (to whom) does God give peace? = you and me
�What� does He give? = perfect peace
�Where� does He give peace? = in our mind; making it steadfast
�Why� = because He loves us
I have to admit � at times I am a worrier. God has spoken to my heart at those times. I do read and study; I have memorized many verses over my seventy-two years and I will continue to do this, but I am making a real effort to apply His words more and to mature spiritually. I need to give complete trust to Him in regards to concerns and worries in my life.
I hope you will do this too.



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