I can't make up my mind; I don't know what to do. I will have to think about this. I need more time. There are too many choices. There aren't enough choices. What if I choose the wrong one? What if?... just reading this paragraph could make somebody nervous!
Every day life is full of decisions, we've got them ranging in importance from what do I make for breakfast to what kind of car should I buy to which course of medical treatment should I use, to is this person "the One".
Some of us are quick to make some decisions, some slow. Some of us like to stay on the fence and act like we've made a decision but in fact we're ready to go either way with the wind. (The bible calls that being a double-minded person, unstable in their ways, doubters. James 1:8)
I, at one moment or another, could fall into any of the above descriptions. I do have a bent toward being one to decide quickly, especially the small stuff. It's funny though, sometimes deciding how I want my hair cut can be well, a hair-raising experience for me (pardon the pun)!
When it comes to the big stuff, I will tend to take more time even though I already have some thoughts on which way I "want" to go. I will pray, ask a close friend, maybe seek advice from my pastor, maybe even professional counsel. But the first thing I always find myself doing is searching the scriptures for a word and praying for Him to speak to my heart. That is crucial to me, I feel totally lost if I have no direction which way He wants me to go. I feel empowered when I KNOW what He wants, because I KNOW it's right. He makes no mistakes and I can trust Him. Now I admit I don't always "want" to do it, and I struggle, but I am always doing the right thing when I yield and do it. It's amazing the power the Lord gives us to do His will, I sometimes look back at a situation and say "well Lord it was all you", because I know it's not something I alone could have accomplished.
Now it's the stuff in the middle that can be a little confusing, it's not a big decision, it's not a minor one either, it's sort of somewhere in the so called gray area. (I don't believe in gray areas by the way.) So how do we make these middle of the line decisions? I believe God's word is full of discernment and wisdom, when we study it the Lord hides it in our hearts so that, by faith, at just the moment we need it,He will bring His direction and wisdom to mind, and we will know what to do. He will teach us His ways, line upon line precept upon precept. (Isaiah 28:13)
In Exodus 28 there is a description of the garments worn by the high priest, one of the items was called the breastplate for making decisions and on it were symbols of light and integrity (called Urim and Thummim), it is believed to signify that the high priest, having on him this breast-plate, and asking counsel of God in any emergency relating to the public, should be directed to take those measures, and give that advice, which God would own. But now through Jesus Christ we have direct access to His light and integrity and advice which He will own.
Dina Seaton
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