Thus Far...(Part Two)
In yesterday's devotion we were journeying through a very serious time with the Israelites. After Samuel had spoken, they'd all gathered together at Mizpah. Mizpah was on the main north-south road through the hills north of Jerusalem and it means "Watch".
We are with them as they drew water and poured it out. This was symbolic of their distress and brokenness. In his preaching, Samuel had called them to repentance, confession and contrition before the Lord. Every one of them heard and responded.
(I can think of at least one pastor who would faint over even half, or one-fourth of his flock responding as the Israelites did.)
As our story continues, the Israelites are trembling with fear as the enemy approaches to destroy them. Samuel is giving a burnt offering to the Lord and the Lord answers him. Wow! "The Lord thundered with a loud thunder upon the Philistines." Imagine that! God heard the prayers of Samuel and so confuses the enemy with the thunder that they were overcome by the Israelites. God's people pursued their enemies and drove them far away.
"Then Samuel took a stone and set it up...and called it Ebenezer, saying, '"Thus far the Lord has helped us"'.
Samuel sacrificed; Samuel prayed and God graciously answered. Oh what a comfort we have as true believers. Let's pause and give thanks to Him who is steadfast in love and faithfulness. "Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for His steadfast love endures forever. You have granted me life and steadfast love, and your care has preserved my spirit. -- I Chronicles 16:34, Job 10:12
Dear one, what is the sin that so easily besets you? What has invaded your life so as to rob you of God? The call here is plain. Begin to repent and reform. Pour out, fast, confess. Return to your God, the Lord Most High! And lest you forget, remember we have an Intercessor, who is never silent, nor does He sleep. He is always in the Presence of God for us. As we repent and pray (pray a lot) we will have victory over all our enemies.
Then, like Samuel, let's set up our Ebenezers to the glory of God, and say, "Thus Far the Lord has helped me".