Have you ever felt discontent? I know I have, in many areas of my life. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, fourth edition, defines discontent as this: "A restless longing for different or better circumstances" (emphasis added).
Does this ring a bell? Every moment of every day we are either content, or discontent. I challenge you to evaluate yourself on a daily basis as to whether contentment or discontentment rules your heart the majority of the day. Then, dig a little deeper and take note of the attitude of your heart.
Contentment is defined in Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary as: "A State of mind in which ones desires are confined to his lot whatever it may be."
Proverbs 15:15 says: "All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast." Look back on the times you felt discontent. Do you see a parallel to the first part of this verse? When you are discontent do you feel frustration at everything? Do you feel like everything bugs you, and the littlest thing "ruins" your day?
Now let us evaluate the times we are content. Do you notice how you react differently to things? You may feel calm and joyful. We can take the same circumstance and react completely different depending on where our hearts are at the time. Our attitude will shape our day, and our reactions. Our hearts are visible every day. Many of us, if not all of us, wear them on our sleeves. People see our hearts by the very way we act, and the things we say, and how we say them. Do you want people to see Christ in your cheerfulness?
We should want to stand apart from the world, and want our attitude to reflect Christ. He has given us reason to live. He has saved us from sin and Satan's lies. Let us reflect the love and joy we have in Christ, that others may see the difference and glorify God.
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