Thursday, April 13, 2006

Jehovah Rapha "When you need Healing"

Jehovah Rapha "When you need Healing"

So often in life we speak of the strength and power of God to get us through the tough times in life. The Egyptians faced all kinds of hardships in the Wilderness and it is there we are introduced to Jehovah Rapha ~ "I am the LORD who heals you" (Exodus 15:26). This is the God who can heal physically and emotionally.

The fact that God needs to be the "Lord who heals" tells me several things about myself. First, there will be times I will need physical healing. Second, and probably more importantly, I will need emotional and spiritual healing. Even the best of us have "down days" and times of discouragement. In 1 Kings 19 we see Elijah needing the touch of Jehovah Rapha. Elijah prays the most powerful of prayers in 1 Kings 18 ~ then he learns Queen Jezebel plans to kill him. So what does he do... he runs away and flees into the desert and asks God to take his life. Have you ever been that discouraged? Take heart the "Lord of Healing" is available to you just like he was to Elijah. God sent an angel to give rest and nourishment to Elijah then Elijah travels to Mt. Horeb where he talks with the Lord. (1 Kings 19:9-12). After Elijah pours out his heart to God ~ the Lord healed him through a whisper. Are you looking for grand fireworks from God? Listen, He is there in a still small voice.

When you are weary and burdened, Jesus invites you to come to Him and he will give you "rest". Do you like Elijah need to seek his emotional rest? Jehovah Rapha is ready to HEAL.


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