I blew it
Yesterday, Dina's devotional challenge was about her 5 year-old neighbor that asked her if she had asked Jesus into her heart. Her neighbor would not give up until she knew for sure that Dina had experienced a saving transaction with Jesus Christ. After hearing that story, I was compelled to share how I failed to do what that little 5 year-old was bold enough to do.
A few weeks ago I was shopping with Dina and my daughter at Boscov's in the shoe department when I overheard the following conversation between 3 young clerks
Clerk #1: I wouldn't want to know, would you?
Clerk #2: Well, I sure would not want to get a phone call finding out it was going to be tomorrow.
Clerk #3: Do you even believe in an afterlife?
Clerk #2: (shuttering) I don't even like to think about it....I'm just afraid that there isn't anything. We just die and that's it. There is nothing.
Clerk #3: Well, according to the Bible, none of us can go to heaven anyway.
Clerk #1: My mother said they changed that...
Clerk #2: Oh, right! They changed the Bible?
What an opportunity, but I was not a part of this conversation and I could not think of a way to naturally get involved in it. After walking away, I thought of a few ideas but by then it was too late. It grieved my heart that these three young ladies are lost, confused and scared and I was too slow or chicken to offer them the genuine hope of Jesus Christ. It was an opportunity lost. Yet God is sovereign, and the salvation of those three young women was prevented because of my failure. Their eternal destiny does not rest on my shoulders, but on Christ's. However, that being said, I missed the opportunity and the blessing God was ready to pour out on me.
Be alert. Be ready. Let the love of your Savior flow from your lips to the ears of a searching heart. 1 Peter 3:15, "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear"
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