Thursday, October 26, 2006

Like a Flint

Like a Flint

Isaiah 50:7 "For the Lord GOD will help Me;
Therefore I will not be disgraced;
Therefore I have set My face like a flint,
And I know that I will not be ashamed.

Have you ever had to set your face like a flint and be unyielding? Doesn't sound right does it, being unyielding? But in fact, at times, it is right.
Last summer my ten-year-old son had an emergency appendectomy. It wasn't a long surgery but the recovery was very uncomfortable. As they rolled my son out of recovery I went to his side immediately and spoke to him so that he knew I was there and that is was over. I asked him, "Was it really bad?" and he replied; "Mom, it was a living hell!" I almost passed out! All I could do was shush him as I thought to myself, these nurses are going to think we're both nuts. Finally, he got settled into a semi-private room and as soon as we arrived I knew this was going to be a bad night. When he got settled and fell asleep a nurse took me next door to answer numerous questions of no relevance what-so-ever. Did I nurse him? Was it a normal delivery? Did he sleep the night as a baby? I was more concerned with was he going to sleep tonight? And what can he have for the pain?
Back in his room he was throwing up from the anesthesia and the meds etc... I soon realized his roomie was loud and obnoxious with no consideration for anyone else. Around midnight he was on the phone with his girlfriend with the TV blasting. I very nicely asked him to please be quiet but he ignored me. I asked him a second time and he gave me a smart mouth answer. So I went to the nurse's desk where they also attempted to ignore me. I kindly told them that they had two options, 1. Give my son another room or 2. Move his roomie out. I was prepared to wheel his bed out into a lounge myself if they didn't do something. Of course they had nothing available... until five minutes and a prayer later, he had a private room! I was truly thankful and extended my appreciation to them.
The doctors were wonderful, the nurses gave good care but poor John had two rough nights. Thankfully, he is fully recovered, Praise God.
Could I have been kinder, gentler, and more adaptable? I don't think so. If you are a mom, you know what I mean. We need to be prepared to set our faces like a flint to do what's right and necessary.
Yield to authority, absolutely. Pray for discernment on when to assert yours, absolutely.

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