Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Instant ... Spiritual Receptivity

Instant...Spiritual Receptivity

Psalm 27:7-8 (The Message) "Listen, God, I'm calling at the top of my lungs: 'Be good to me! Answer me!' When my heart whispered, 'Seek God,' my whole being replied, 'I'm seeking Him!' Don't hide from me now!"
We live in a fast paced, instant world. We have instant breakfast, instant messaging, fast food, we can learn a new language in 30 day, get rich in 5 easy lessons and the list goes on and on. We want and expect our spiritual growth to be on the fast tract too, but that isn't the way it works.
If we were to study the great saints of the faith we would not only see that they were spiritually responsive we would see they didn't start out as spiritual giants. Each one continued to cultivate their spiritual receptivity until it was the "biggest thing in their lives." (A.W. Tozer) When they felt that longing to know God more and more...when they felt God pulling on their heart strings, they didn't put those feelings to rest, they responded and made it their lifelong habit to seek God.
Spiritual receptivity is a gift from God. God has given it to each and every one of us and there is nothing that we can do as individuals to manufacture it. However, even though it is a gift, that doesn't give us the leisure of resting on it, thinking we will instantly become "spiritual giants of the faith." First, each of us must recognize Gods gift of "spiritual receptivity," and then cultivate it, otherwise the gift will be destroyed. When we neglect exercising our bodies, our muscles will grow weaker and eventually atrophy. This is no different in the case of spiritual receptivity.
Have you been waiting for instant deep faith only to be disappointed and think that, well...you just don't have what it takes; you don't have the kind of faith that can move mountains and so you give up or become "satisfied" with where you are. Maybe you wonder why your faith seems shallow or hard to hold onto when trials come into your life.
My dear sisters in faith, don't be satisfied with a ho-hum faith, God has created you for so much more!
A.W. Tozer "Let any [woman] turn to God in earnest, let [her] begin to exercise [herself] unto godliness, let [her] seek to develop [her] powers of spiritual receptivity by trust and obedience and humility, and the results will exceed anything [she] may have hoped in [her] leaner years."1

Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." What a wonderful promise from our God! Are you ready to get up off your spiritual couch and exercise your "spiritual receptivity?"


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