Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Who's on Your Throne

Who's on your Throne?

Have you ever gone away from home for a while? You come home and you pull onto your street, then into you're your get this overwhelming feeling of comfort, joy and peace - no matter where you roam there is no place like home! Tozer says that this is the same kind of feeling we get...a feeling of "being at home"...just like it was in the Garden when God is on the throne of our hearts!

Who sits on the throne of your heart? Each day when we open our eyes we have a choice to make. Will God sit in His rightful place on the throne of our hearts or will we place something or someone else on it? Could it be that success, a spouse, or a home occupies that space?

It is God's right to have first place in our lives because that is the way that God created us, the way it was in the Garden of Eden before the fall. If there is something in Gods' rightful place, we can never feel whole or satisfied. Because of the fact that God was the original occupier of our hearts we will always want for more if God isn't on the throne of our heart. A.W. Tozer tells us in "A 31 Day Experience, The pursuit of God," the key to putting and keeping God on the throne of our hearts is to humble ourselves and submit to Him.

How do we do this? Tozer tells us to exalt God in all times, in all places and in all circumstances. Exalting God over possessions, friendships, comforts, family, ambition or reputation...surrendering it all to Him and allowing God to be glorified through us...this is the way to keep God in His rightful place on the throne of your heart.

Revelation 4:11 "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being."

Today you make the choice, "I will serve God or _______." What's your choice?


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