Friday, December 28, 2007



Proverbs 31: 10-11
"Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good not evil all the days of her life."

Trust in another person has several meanings (1)
1. Trust means that you feel that the person is honest and will not lie, cheat or steal from you.
2. It also means that you can count on the person to do as he or she promised and that the person is reliable.
3. Finally, trust in a person means that you feel he or she can be counted on to do something important, will not shirk from duties, and will take personal pride in what he or she does.

The word confidence could also be substituted for trust, meaning that one believes that another person has the capabilities to do that which is required or requested.

We learn from the Proverbs 31 Woman that as women of God we need to be trustworthy, that our lives need to demonstrate that confidence in all we do. People need to be able to count on us to be dependable day in and day out. Proverbs 11:13 reminds us that our integrity will guide us, but we can be destroyed by our unfaithfulness. As a wife I want my husband to have full confidence in my abilities to handle the household, keep our confidences, represent him and our Savior, and above all to meet my obligations and commitments I have made to others. If I am trustworthy, his name will be praised and if I maintain the household it is only to his gain and glory. Not just at home, but in all relationships we need to be trusted. As a mother, as an employee, as a friend, as a daughter when we are trustworthy, we thrive and give honor to ourselves and God.

So, ask yourself the following questions:
Are you honest with yourself, your spouse, and others?
Do you follow-up on your commitments? Are you a dependable person?
Do you care diligently for those things in which you are entrusted? Money, possessions, work and children...

Being Trustworthy is the first step in being a Godly woman outside of having a personal relationship with Christ. Ultimately, with a relationship with Christ - he can make us each of us trustworthy individuals. Ask Him today to show you the areas of your life that need work, and ask Him to help you become a Proverbs 31:11 Woman.


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