The phone rang, and when I answered my daughter said, "She's perfect mom, absolutely perfect". My daughter has just given birth to her second baby girl. Kate continued, "She looks nothing like Lexi, she has head of dark hair and blue eyes." Now, we thought her firstborn was perfect too, but she had lots of hair that stood up like a rooster tail and brown eyes. How could they be so different yet both perfect?
You and I could be as different as night and day, complete opposites in personality, likes and dislikes, enjoy different foods, minister in very diverse ways, be in completely different walks of life, disagree on doctrinal issues and yet still both be in the process of being perfected by the grace of God as He takes each of us further and further in our sanctification, conforming us to the image of Jesus Christ.
Once we experience regeneration, become born-again, get saved (whatever your druthers), we all are on the same path "from glory to glory" yet we may look completely different. Oh, sure there will be similarities, but we are called to unity not uniformity (Beth Moore said that). I want to jump up and say, "Hallelujah!"
I cannot explain it, but somehow we can be different yet all perfected, because by His grace we are conformed into His image. The process will not be complete until we stand in the presence of The Almighty.
2 Corinthians 3:18, "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord."
Diane Hunt is Director of Addiction Recovery Ministries of America's KESWICK
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