Tuesday, December 16, 2008

God with skin on

It's December, once again. For most people, December means presents, parties, preparations, and programs. It also means traditions, meeting expectations, family gatherings, and with all of that there may even be some fun and excitement in the mix. However, for some Christmas means trying to act happy, meeting expectations, going through the motions, when in reality their hearts are breaking. The magic of Christmas seems more like the misery of Christmas. This has been a rough year. A marriage has ended, a relationship has been broken, a job has been lost, the positive financial picture has shattered, a loved one has died. Do you know someone who fits that situation? If so, now is your chance to show the love of Christ to that person or family. 

If a mom is trying to hold the family together after a divorce or death of a spouse, you can reach out to her by offering to sit with the kids while she shops, do some shopping for her, help her put up the Christmas tree, or even buy a tree for her.

Do you know someone whose finances are exhausted? Wouldn't they be surprised if they found a bag of groceries on their porch? I remember the night my daughter and I parked a few houses away from an unemployed friend. We silently crept to the porch and placed a canned ham there and then we ran after we rang the doorbell.

Do you know someone who is facing the holidays for the first time without a loved one? Take them a memento to remind them of their loved one. Buy a special ornament for their tree. Do their shopping for them so they don't have to face all of the holiday shoppers and music.

Most of all with anyone who may be dreading the holidays make sure they are not alone. Let them know you remember their difficulties.

You can be "God with skin on." Now's your chance. Don't let it slip by. Reach out to God's hurting children.

"Comfort ye; comfort ye My people, saith your God," (Isaiah 40:1).


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