In Christ,
Mary Ann
For me, this simple salutation shares a little bit of my heart to the one I'm sending my note to. It says my heart belongs to the One who forgave my sin and exchanged my filthy robes for the righteous white robes of my Savior Jesus. I want everyone to know just where I stand because of the joy I have. I am "in Christ."
This salutation also tells the recipient just who I, "MaryAnn Kiernan," belong to, to whom my allegiance stands. I was bought at a very high price, it cost Jesus, my Savior: shame, humiliation, betrayal, abandonment, pain, suffering, death on a cross and the ultimate price...separation from the Father because the Father can't look upon sin and there was my sin running down from the wounds of His beaten and abused body. My Jesus did this for me and now, I am His. I bear His name "Christian."
On his radio program "Testify" this morning, Pastor Bob Botsford pointed out the greeting that Paul gave to the saints in Phillipi and Collosse.1 What was this greeting? Let's look at 2 passages:
Philippians 1:1 "Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all the saints in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons."
Colossians 1:2 "To the holy and faithful brothers in Christ at Colosse: Grace and peace to you from God our Father."
In both of these letters that were addressed to the "saints" and the "faithful brothers," Paul chose to place the emphasis on their identity "in Christ" rather than identify them by their geographical locations in Phillipi or Colosse. It was more important whose they were, rather than where they were from.
There are many ways a person might describe me: Wilhelm and Anna Brese's daughter, John Kiernan's wife, John and Daniel's mom and many others as well. But the only identification with eternal significance is MaryAnn "in Christ."
In what or who is your identity? If you don't know Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life and you want your identity to be in Him, it's time to confess your sinfulness, repent of your sin and ask Jesus to enter your heart and be the Lord of your life. Then you, too, will bear the identification of being "(your name) in Christ."
Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me"
I will leave you with this final greeting from 1 Peter 5:14: "... Peace to all of you who are in Christ."
In Christ,
This year's BINDING UP THE BROKEN-HEARTED: FAMILY AND FRIENDS ADDICTION SEMINAR is shaping up to be our best yet. You won't want to miss it. October 8, 2009 8:30 AM -3:30 PM at America's KESWICK. The $25.00 registration fee covers the sessions, materials, continental breakfast, lunch and snacks. Pastors attend free with 5 paid reservations. Every pastor, youth ministry worker, parent of a teen and loved ones of addicted family and friends should attend this seminar. Call today for your reservation 800.453.7942 or 732.350.1187.
1 WRDR 89.7 FM Testify with Pastor Bob Botsford, 9/10/2009.
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