Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Judge Not!!

Judge not, that you be not judged. ~ Matthew 7:1

"Once a couple was being visited by some old high school classmates. As often happens, the couple pulled out some of their old annuals and began reminiscing about their high school days. They'd point out all the jocks, all the nerds, and all the preppies. After awhile, the couple's little boy brought out his kindergarten class picture and immediately began describing each classmate. 'This is Robert; he hits everyone. This is Stephen. He never listens to the teacher. This is Mark. He's always loud.' He proceeded to say something negative about every one of them until he got to his own picture. He pointed at it and said, 'And this is me. I'm just sitting here being a good boy.'"1

Ouch! How often is this true of us? It's so easy to sit or stand in judgment of others and call it something else while at the same time being more than generous in our opinions of ourselves, and not see it as prideful and arrogant.

On a daily basis we are confronted with people, places and situations just begging for our critique...or not. The way we behave sometimes, one would think we are the police of everything. The language police, the clothes police, the devotion and prayer police, the mercy and grace police...I could go on but I think you get the point. We're always judging something or someone. If I was allowed to stick with one topic for Victory Calls this entire year it would be judging others. Why? Because we need the constant reminder to keep the main thing the main thing and it ain't us!!

Sisters, let's purpose today, tomorrow and everyday this year...okay, let's purpose one day at a time, to put away a critical and judgmental spirit. Let's purpose to require more of ourselves than we do of others. Let's choose to stomp the spirit in us that wants to find fault, that seeks to elevate ourselves above others by comparing our walk of faith with theirs - our prayer life, our devotional life. Let's be marked by a spirit of humility and compassion and defiantly refuse to give way to the flesh.


"Let it be said of us: We were marked by forgiveness,
We were known by our love and delighted in meekness,
We were ruled by His peace, heeding unity's call,
Joined as one body that Christ would be seen by all."2
~~ Words and music by Steve Fry

1 www.sonoraville.org/sermons/archives/aug05_07_am.pdf
2 http://www.southgatechurchoftoledo.org/songs/Files/Lyrics/Let_It_Be_Said_of_Us.aspx

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