Thursday, March 04, 2010

That's Why There Are Rest Stops

I was just thinking about "the Road Home" Victory Call and was thinking about "the straight and narrow road we tread." Then I started thinking about what kinds of "winds" might be blowing at us to knock us off that road. It might be a loss of a job, sudden loss of a loved one, or even just having an argument with a spouse or loved one.

And then I thought of rest stops! They have them on most major highways because they know people are traveling GREAT DISTANCES and they might need a BREAK and REFRESHMENT.

When the winds were blowing the van you could tell it was wearing on Matt to continue for long periods of time. He needed a BREAK. Likewise I KNOW we can get weary on our LONG DISTANCE spiritual journey.

So if you feel the "winds" of life are beating you up, take a "Rest Stop" - BUT - make sure you get the RIGHT KIND of rest and refreshment.

Taking a rest doesn't mean you give up!!

We NEED refreshment! Even Jesus encouraged us to come TO Him -
Come to Me, ALL who are WEARY and HEAVY LADEN, and I will give you REST. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you shall find REST FOR YOUR SOULS, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30 [capitalization my emphasis]

Just as you get off on a rest stop to find a break and REFRESHMENT on your journey, Jesus has counseled us to do the same in our walk with Him.

May you find REFRESHMENT for your soul TODAY!

Sue Mercer
Women of Character Graduate

Psalm 37:26
26He is ever lending generously,
and his children become a blessing.

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