Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Some Cold Hard Facts

Yesterday I shared about the attitude of our hearts regarding the battle the enemy has mounted in the area of lust and sexual immorality. I believe he is gaining ground. Lest you think I'm wrong, consider these pornography statistics (1):

The United States ranks 4th in the world in revenue made on pornography

The United States is ranked #1 in pornographic video porn production

Each day there are 68,000,000 pornographic search engine requests

Each day there are 2.5 billion pornographic emails

42.7% of all internet users view pornography

35% of all internet downloads are pornographic

The average age of internet pornography exposure 11 years old

26 children's character names linked to thousands of pornography links

72% of visitors to pornographic websites are male; 28% female

17% of women reported having a pornography addiction

53% Promise Keeper men reported having viewed pornography in the past week

Here are two Hunt statistics: We are 100% responsible for where our eyes go and hearts linger. We are 100% responsible for our choice to be women of modesty, purity and dignity.

Women, will you step up and join the battle against evil by dressing intentionally to the Glory of God?


1 http://familysafemedia.com/pornography_statistics.html#anchor4 (accessed 5 22 08)

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