For I know the plans I have for declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
It's the middle of the night and my mind is running fast, reviewing the painful memories from the past. As a child I considered myself a victim. A victim of circumstances, body and soul raped, innocence lost. My childhood was snatched away; no longer was I a pure little girl with precious treasure, but rather an object used for the gratification of others. Physically, emotionally, mentally broken, thinking this is what I was created for, this is my life, and it's my fault. Bearing a burden of guilt and shame, my very character called into question. God of heaven above, You are Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient. You are my hope, my peace, my refuge and strength, my deliverer, strong tower, my present help in times of trouble. If this is who You say You are then where are You? Why God? Why me? You've made a mistake. My innocence is gone! I'm useless, worthless, unwanted, and unlovable. The pain and suffering has left my soul scarred. There are painful memories that still lurk within a torched and searching soul. I searched for love, freedom, protection, comfort and acceptance from the very God Who said when thy father and thy mother forsake thee He would take me up. I searched for the God who said that He would never leave me nor forsake me or give me more than I could bear; the same God who told the storm to HUSH and it ceased. I searched for Him, asking Him to take me away from my misery and HE FOUND ME!!
There was a time when I asked Him, "Why have you made me the victim?" I've heard that a victim is an unfortunate person who suffers from adversity. They are weak, powerless and live in fear. That is who I was!! "Lord above!! I thank you that today because of YOU I am no longer a victim! I am a new creation in Christ! Old things are passed away! Today, I am a victor!! I have victory in Jesus! I no longer look through the eyes of a victim who asks God "why me?" Instead I look through the eyes of a victor. A victor is a combatant who is able to defeat such adversity. They endure and grow strong in You through their pain, for Your glory. Today as a conqueror I can look through the eyes of a victor who asks God "Why did this come my way, what do You want to change in me? How will Your Name be glorified through this?" I've come to understand that what we go through is simply a part of life in a fallen world filled with sin.
The Question Is: Knowing that victory can come through our adversity, how will we respond to it? Will we let the distress or the trouble define our character, or will we stand in the midst of it and be free in Christ?
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free; and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." ~ Galatians 5:1
I am a victor who has found her victory in Jesus! So I ask you today, which are you...Victim or Victor...You be the Judge!!!!
Zakira Whitaker
Psalm 103:17,18
17But the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children's children,
18to those who keep his covenant and remember to do his commandments.
Join us this week for Victory Week 3 with Dr. Glenn Blossom and Dr. Charles Zimmerman. If you can't attend, tune in online at at 9:30 and and 7:00 PM Monday through Thursday.
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