Monday, February 14, 2011

Digging Deeper James 1:12 with Commentary

Sometimes people get the impression that if they get saved all their troubles are over. This week's verse does not support that. A friend of mine and I were recently discussing the world situation (this is way out of my league) and she commented, "I would not want to be going through all that is going on in the world with out Jesus Christ." Christians are not exempt from trials or difficulty but we have grace and power and hope. I need to be reminded today. We have grace and power and hope.
James 1:12. Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.

"Reward for Those Who Endure. James returns to the theme introduced in v. 2. Crown of life alludes not to the jewel encrusted ruler's crown but to the laurel wreath given to winners in athletic games (1 Cor 9:25) and victorious emperors. The reward for faithful perseverance is eternal life, with all its abundant blessings (cf Rev. 2:10)." [The ESV Study Bible, study notes pg 2392]


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