Remember records, the ones that go round and round on a turn table? Oh boy, my age is showing! I can remember when they'd break or skip and you'd just keep hearing the same thing over and over again, and so came the phrase; "You sound like a broken record." It's enough to drive someone crazy! Or drive them away.
I was part of a family conversation where a mom and daughter were visiting after being apart for some time. They live a few states away from each other and are more than that distance apart in terms of what decisions are best for the daughter's life (an adult woman).
I listened patiently, and did not interrupt. No one really could, because the mom was intent on being heard again and again and again. Same words, just repeated again and again. This conversation was one that had been happening for years. Each time they had a chance to be together, most of that time was spent with the mom stating her case and the daughter trying to respectfully state hers and yet not be moved from her choices.
When there seemed to be a way to get a word in edgewise, I asked if I could say something. They both said yes.
I shared with the mom that I knew her daughter had heard her. She knew exactly how her mom felt, where she stood and so on...that was crystal clear. I also shared with the daughter that she was very much loved and confirmed that she understood the options available to her from the family should she choose their help. I made one other point that seemed obvious to me, but not to them.
"You both spend precious time together disagreeing about the same things over and over again. Mom, she has heard you, but you insist on telling her the same thing each time she comes. Sooner or later she may stop coming. I know that's not what either of you want, but you seem to be headed in that direction. (They had both recently lost their husband and father, an unexpected death.) Time is precious! I'm not suggesting you compromise values but I am suggesting you accept each other and move forward."
This led to her daughter asking me what I thought she should do. I didn't tell her what I thought. I told her what I thought the Lord would have her do. "He wants you to die, die to yourself so He can live through you." He is all about hope! My hope is that she will accept Him as her Savior and the Lord over her life.
As we walked along the beach she loves so much she said to me; "Look at that (the ocean). It is something else!" I pointed at her and replied; "Look at you- you're something more amazing than that ocean and all that is in it. You are made in His image." What a blessing to share the love of Christ with her just like someone did for me. I pray she will be coming back for more...
Sing to the LORD, bless His name; Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day. Psalm 96:2( NKJV)
Dina Seaton
James 2:18,19
18But someone will say, "You have faith and I have works." Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.
19 You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe-and shudder!
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