Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Good Samaritan - Part Two of Three

Luke 10:25-37

We left off yesterday after having reviewed the familiar Bible Story of the Good Samaritan. I suggested that Jesus might have been using this story to confront the lawyer concerning the spirit of religion.

Let us take a look at the "Symptoms of the Religious Spirit" as shared by Rev. Robert Heidler, Th.M. Rev. Heidler identified seven characteristics of those oppressed by the religious spirit:

1. An Overemphasis on Outward Form
The religious spirit wants you to say the "right" words, do the "right" things and have the "right" look. There is always a fear of what others will think. It brings with it a resistance to change and a hesitancy to try something new. For example, Saul's daughter, David's wife, was horrified by David's dance in worship as it went beyond what she was used to (2 Sam. 6:14-22). In contrast God places heart attitude above outward appearance (Mark 12:30).

2. A Sense of Condemnation and Fear
The religious spirit always condemns you if you don't "get it right". There is a continual fear of failure. It takes "risk taking" right out of you. After all, who wants to come under condemnation and fear? Yet God's mercy triumphs over justice (James 2:14b).

3. Attitude of Pride and Judgment
The religious spirit will cause you to pick up self-righteous pride in your accomplishments, a feeling that you are better than others, and a critical attitude toward those who don't measure up. Jesus wants us to do nothing out of selfish ambition and He calls us to value others as more important than ourselves (Phil. 2:3).

4. Oppressive Legalism
The religious spirit offers a legalistic system with no flexibility. It wants to produce a method that can replace a relationship with Jesus. Rather John 10:27 tells us that we can have a very personal relationship with Jesus. We can listen to His voice. He knows us. We follow Him rather than some method developed by man that is here today and gone tomorrow.

5. Need to "Figure God Out"
Religion reduces God to a subject for intellectual study. It's an attempt to put God in a box. New moves of teh Holy Spirit are rejected if they don't match up with our understanding of how God works. As if we could ever really fully understand God's ways. The prophet Isaiah wrote in chapter 55 verse 8 that God's thoughts are not our thoughts; His ways are not our ways. There is always more of Jesus to know and love.

6. A Dependence on Self-Effort
Everything depends on "YOU"! Try harder and discipline yourself more!! I think this one has hit everyone at least one time in life. Get yourself off this hook, dear one. In the kingdom of God, righteousness is obtained through the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:4). Righteousness flows from a relationship with Jesus. It is because of His blood we can wear His breastplate of righteousness (Eph. 6:14b).

7. Undue Emphasis on Tradition
Religion will cause you to attach great honor to the work of God in the past, while standing in opposition to His will for the present. That is what happened when a spirit caused the children of Israel to burn incense to the bronze serpent (2 Kings 18:4). God does want us to remember His great deeds in the past but without turning them into idols. He wants us to seek the Holy Spirit for direction and help in the present.

Now that we have addressed the symptoms of the religious spirit let's take a look at someone in the scripture that appears to have been free from this spirit. Watch for Part 3!!

Patricia L. Wenzel
WOC Graduate

Resource material used from: Freedom from the Religious Spirit, C Peter Wagner, General Editor, Regal Books 2005.

James 4:7-9
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
9 Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom.

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