"Thy Rod and Thy Staff They Comfort Me"
Yesterday we talked about the shepherd's rod. Today let us turn our attention to the shepherd's staff.
The staff looks like a long slender candy cane, however it is not red and white candy but strong wood. Mr. Keller explains that the shepherd's staff is used in three areas of sheep management.
First, it is used to draw sheep together. A shepherd will gently lift a newborn lamb and bring it to its mother if they become separated. He does not touch the lamb, for the mother will reject her offspring if it bears the odor of his hands upon it. He will also use the staff to reach out and catch individual sheep and draw them close to himself for examination.
Second, the staff is used for guiding sheep. The shepherd uses his staff to keep his sheep from dangerous paths. Sometimes a shepherd will use his staff and hold it against the side of the sheep and walk along in this way as if they were hand-in-hand.
Finally the staff is used to set sheep free who find themselves stuck in brambles or wild roses. Soon they are so hooked in their wool they cannot pull free. Only the staff sets them free of their entanglements.
Mr. Keller suggests that the Spirit of God can be likened to the shepherd's staff. I must agree. First, the Holy Spirit draws Christians together into a warm, personal fellowship with one another. He draws you to Christ, your very personal Lord and Savior. He says, "Come". (Rev. 22:17)
Second, the Holy Spirit, our Comforter, guides you and will keep you from danger. He gently, tenderly, lovingly and persistently challenges you: "This is the way - walk in it" (Is. 30:21). If you and I allow it, the Holy Spirit will continually bring home to us the wonderful comfort of knowing that we are God's children and He is our Father. There is amazing comfort in receiving the truth that you belong to the Good Shepherd and you are under His care. (John 16:13). Years ago someone told me to put my hand on my shoulder whenever I felt the need to be reminded how close Holy Spirit is to me. I still do that and would encourage you to do the same. Just as the shepherd lovingly places his staff on the sheep's side and walks with him, so to the Spirit of the Living God is with us.
Finally the Holy Spirit will lead you to all truth that will set you free. (John 8:32) We get ourselves into places that we simply cannot get free of. In tenderness and compassion the Holy Spirit will lift us up.
Dear one, most surely His rod and His staff they comfort us.
Consider lifting before the Lord the following prayer:
Dear Lord, Today I declare freely that I welcome you to be my Good Shepherd. I invite you to use the rod of your Word in my life. I invite you to set your staff, Holy Spirit, upon me to search me and know my heart. Reveal any way in me that needs your loving correction. I long for your Word to be so a part of me that it shines a light through me that will keep my feet on a path of righteousness. I long for Your Holy Spirit to lead me to all Truth, to bring revelation of Your Word, to draw me to You, and to set me free from every snare in my life. I thank you that you are a loving and compassionate Shepherd; slow to anger and abounding in loving-kindness. I know that you alone, in tenderness and compassion, lift me up. In the name of Jesus, my Good Shepherd, I pray. Amen.
Patricia L. Wenzel,
WOC Graduate
James 4:1-3
Come now, you rich, weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver have corroded and their corrosion will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure in the last days.
It's finally here!!! Crossing the Jordan: Living Victoriously in Difficult Relationships by Diane Hunt, MaryAnn Kiernan, DeEtta Marsh, Stephanie Paul and Betsy Shoppy (several of our Victory Call writers). Today's Victory Call is just a taste of what you will find in this Bible Study for women. Although it was originally written for wives of men in addiction it has already been a blessing to women from various circumstances and relationships: moms, siblings, daughters, wives, fiancees' etc. Most of the 14 chapters are applicable to any woman in any situation. To secure your own copy contact America's Keswick Guest Services 732.350.1187 $16.00. If you have any questions contact Diane Hunt at dhunt@americaskeswick.org.
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