Recently, I was doing some reading about "Finding Peace in Life's Busy Seasons" by Jackie M. Johnson. I am in the midst of a very high pressure time with more to do than I can humanly do and my to-do list seems to get longer and longer. We have all been there. I am not unique by any means.
So, how do we find rest in the midst of hectic lives?
Mt. 11:28 says, "Come to my, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." In the midst of reading the article I read this quote: "bottom line: Rest is not a reward, "she* continues. "you can't earn it. You don't deserve it. It's not a sign of weakness or inability. Rest is a matter of obedience, stewardship and delight."
Our culture values non-stop work. Being a work-a-holic is more a badge of honor rather than an addiction to work and busyness.
I appreciate her statement that "rest is a matter of obedience, stewardship and delight."1 Rest is God's plan. Genesis 2:2 And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.
I was very touched by this Jank statement in the article, "The hard work of rest is the holy work of God." 2 Think about that and let it sink in for a moment. "The hard work of rest is the holy work of God."
Remember this: Work hard. Play hard. Rest hard.
*(Brenda Jank, director of Rest and Renewal Ministries at Camp Luther - Haven (Albion, Ind)
1 Jank, Brenda - quoted in "Finding Peace in Life's Busy Seasons" by Jackie M. Johnson.
2 Ibid
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