Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Looking Like What We Are Not

Isaiah 63:19
We have become like those over whom you have never ruled, like those who are not called by your name.

a. Isaiah 63:3 Or their juice; also verse 6
b. Isaiah 63:4 Or the year of my redeemed
c. Isaiah 63:9 Or he did not afflict
d. Isaiah 63:11 Or Then his people remembered the days of old, of Moses
e. Isaiah 63:15 Or holy and glorious
f. Isaiah 63:18 Or They have dispossessed your holy people for a little while
Cross references:
A. Isaiah 63:1 : Isaiah 34:6
B. Isaiah 63:1 : Psalm 68:7
C. Isaiah 63:2 : Rev 19:13
D. Isaiah 63:2 : Lam 1:15; Rev 14:20; 19:15
E. Isaiah 63:3 : Joel 3:13
F. Isaiah 63:3 : Isaiah 59:16
G. Isaiah 63:4 : Isaiah 34:8
H. Isaiah 63:5 : Isaiah 59:16
I. Isaiah 63:6 : Isaiah 49:26
J. Isaiah 63:7 : Psalm 145:7
K. Isaiah 63:9 : Judg 10:16
L. Isaiah 63:9 : Deut 7:7, 8; Ezek 16:5, 6
M. Isaiah 63:9 : Deut 32:10-12
N. Isaiah 63:10 : Exodus 15:24; Num 14:11; Psalm 78:17, 56; 95:9; Ezek 20:8
O. Isaiah 63:10 : Psalm 78:40; Acts 7:51; Eph 4:30
P. Isaiah 63:11 : Psalm 77:11-20
Q. Isaiah 63:11 : Exodus 14:19-22
R. Isaiah 63:12 : Exodus 14:21; Josh 3:16
S. Isaiah 63:12 : 2 Sam 7:23; Neh 9:10
T. Isaiah 63:14 : Num 10:33
U. Isaiah 63:14 : Isaiah 63:12
V. Isaiah 63:15 : Deut 26:15
W. Isaiah 63:15 : Psalm 33:14
X. Isaiah 63:15 : Isaiah 59:17; Zech 1:14
Y. Isaiah 63:16 : Isaiah 64:8; Deut 32:6
Z. Isaiah 63:16 : Isaiah 43:14
AA. Isaiah 63:17 : Isaiah 6:10; John 12:40
BB. Isaiah 63:17 : Psalm 90:13
CC. Isaiah 63:18 : Deut 4:25, 26
DD. Isaiah 63:18 : Isaiah 64:11
EE. Isaiah 63:19 : Jer 14:8

Have you ever had occasion to ask yourself, "Do I look, act, respond or think any differently than my unsaved neighbor? What evidence is there that I am a Christ-follower?"

Certainly there are times where we look no different and therefore begs the question, "What difference does it make that I know Jesus Christ?" When we are living like our unsaved friends we are denying the work and power of Almighty God. To a watching world there would be no evidence that there is a God in heaven, or if there is, that He has chosen us. In such a case, our very lives deny our own true identity. It doesn't negate our true identity but it does deny it. That true identity is given to us by God when He chose us, saved us, regenerated us, redeemed us by the blood of the Lamb.

When we live as if we are NOT called by His name we are living hypocritically because it denies who God says we are.

Have you ever thought about that? When we live "like those who have never been ruled" we are living like a hypocrite, denying the power of the One who saved us.
May we never live in a way that denies who we are or Whose we are.

"Then all flesh shall know that I am the Lord your Savior, and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob." Is 49:26


Diane Hunt is the Director of Addiction Recovery and Development at America's KESWICK. In addition to her Keswick responsibilities which keep her busy, she loves to read, write and teach, travel and laugh with her grandchildren. Diane has been married to her husband John over 26 years. She has 2 children, 3 grandchildren, 3 step-children, and 7 step-grandchildren.

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