Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Encouragement From One Who Has Gone Before-2

Pray! God Knows!

I was recently looking through the Victory Call archives and I came across a number of them that were written by our dear sister Dottie Noel, who went home to be with Jesus on May 21st of last year. I miss her sweet spirit in this place!

As I read through a number of the Victory Call devotions she had written my heart and soul were blessed and I thought, "Why not share the blessing with all of our Victory Call subscribers?"

God is all-knowing! He knows our need to communicate with Him. He allows us to talk to Him through prayer and adds His response to us as we read His Word. I once heard these words concerning prayer: "The power is His, the privilege is ours." What a privilege prayer is to me; and what power it has!

In Matthew 26:36-45 we find Christ, himself, praying to the Father before His crucifixion.

In Luke 11 we read a model prayer He gave to His disciples - and to us.

Philippians 4:6 instructs us that He is here for us in everything.

Before opening His Word to read, pray. Ask God to make His Word clear to you.
Do you want to experience a special prayer time? Make one of thanksgiving. We often pray for wants and forget the thanks. When you come to Him with a thankful heart filled with love and gratitude, you will realize the blessings you have. We like to hear "thanks"; the Lord does, too.

Pray for people by name. During a past surgery, I had a trachea. I couldn't speak and was having trouble adjusting to the respirator - trying to breathe on my own. God helped me to adjust in this way: I would let the machine breathe for me, and then I'd pray for five people by name. I would again allow the forced air from the machine, and then prayed for five more. If I knew you back in the late '60's, you probably were prayed for many times - by name! Today, I breathe on my own, and still love to pray for requests by name.

Pick up your Bible and read: He speaks!

For all your requests and thanks, pray! He listens! Communicate with the Lord today. What a privilege!


Submitted by Stephanie Paul

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