This week our Victory Calls will focus on "Modesty" - "How do your wardrobe choices reflect love for Jesus Christ?
An Attitude of the Heart
This is the week, for the past 5 years, that I have shared a series on modesty and purity. Memorial Day typically kicks off the summer with warmer temperatures and sticky humidity and people wear lighter and less clothing, although this year it was not uncommon to see it all winter with such mild temperatures. Modesty is not only a summer issue: it is God's desire for us all 365 days of the year. However, I doubt anyone would argue that it becomes a more evident issue with the warmer weather. The beaches and pools are packed to overflowing, and the amusement parks and ice cream stands have long lines. People are out and about.
It is sad to see young women (and some not-so-young) wearing attire that would have been considered pornographic just 30 or 40 years ago. If it is catching my attention, you can be sure it is turning almost every male's head. Sure there are men out there intentionally looking, ogling anything female, but I would venture to guess that they are not the majority. I think the majority are men with wives and families and daughters who are accosted with sensually and scantly dressed girls and women everywhere they go. I wish I could say they could just flee to the church but, sadly, it is not safe even in the churches.
Women of God, it is time to stand up and battle the enemy as he is gaining ground in the hearts and lives of the men of our churches, our husbands, our sons, our brothers, our pastors. We need a new attitude of compassion and support rather than condemnation and irritation.
Please hear my heart. I am not blaming scantly dressed women for any man's sinful attitudes or actions! Each man is 100% responsible for where he allows his eyes and heart to linger. I would also say each woman is 100% responsible for her own attire and her attitude. It is a cop-out to chalk it up to being "his problem". More than that, it is short-sighted, superficial and flat-out sinful.
Which one of us would sit in the foxhole painting our nails when our fellow soldier was waging war against our enemy who appeared to be gaining the upper hand? NOT A ONE! I believe every one of us would jump to the aid of another in our company doing battle alongside them rather than against them. Let's carry this word picture into the modesty, lust and purity battle. Can you see how God calls us alongside rather than against our brothers in Christ?
How do your wardrobe choices reflect love for Jesus Christ? How does your attire reflect love for your brothers in Christ? How does the way you dress reflect your heart?
Romans 13:10 Love does no harm to a neighbor...
Luke 10:27 You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.
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