Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Praying for Your Pastor
Years ago a Pastor who I knew and had great respect for fell into sin. Once that sin became exposed he and his family went through a great deal of pain. This was a man who knew the Word, was an excellent teacher and cared very deeply for the flock God had given him to shepherd. The shock of what happened went very deep. Although his marriage was preserved, they lost so much. Pastor lost the respect of his flock and his family. He lost his ministry and his home. It was as if a fire of pain spread quickly throughout the entire body of believers. The enemy of God had his way. I remember feeling incredibly convicted about the need to pray, as Jesus directs us, for leaders and those in authority (1 Tim. 2:1-2).
Since that time I have read many sad statistics about pastors who fall into sin. Could it be that God's people are not praying for their pastor?? I can't even begin to imagine the temptation that presents itself to ministers of the gospel on a daily basis. I am sure the Lord is faithful to make a way of escape (1 Cor.10:13).
I am also certain that there is likely no man or woman who has always taken that way of escape. We must remember that a person may have a calling to be a pastor but he or she is still carrying around the same flesh we carry. We are all sinners who fall short of the glory of God.(Rom. 3:23). God knew that and I believe it is why He calls us to pray for our leaders. They need a faithful prayer shield round about them.
There are two helpful guides written by Terry Teykl titled "Scripture-Based Prayers to Pray for your Pastor". I would encourage you to consider going on line and copy the one prayer guide at: http://www.bethanygardner.org/vsItemDisplay.dsp&objectID=B2ACF92E-C979-4BBC-BA1795135CA21CD6&method=display. You could also go to: http://www.navpress.com and purchase the other guide in a package of 50 prayer cards for less than $8.00.
Below are five suggested prayers you can use this week to pray for your pastor plus one more. You can take one each day and begin to bring your pastor before the throne of grace.
1. Jesus, I pray that my pastor will daily put on the full armor of God that he/she may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.(Ephesians 6:11).
2. Lord, I pray that my pastor will be blessed with a passion to worship You in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24).
3. Jesus, I pray that my pastor will delight himself/herself in Your Word and upon Your Word he/she will meditate day and night. I thank you that he/she will then be as a tree firmly planted by streams of water which yield fruit and will not wither; and in whatever he/she does, he/she will prosper ( Psalm 1:2-3).
4. Jesus, I pray that my pastor will live with his/her spouse as you have directed, husband loving his wife as Christ loves the church, wife honoring her husband all the days of her life (Ephesians 5:25-33).
5. Jesus, I pray that you would create in my pastor a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit in him/her. Do not cast him/her away from your presence, and do not take Thy Holy Spirit from him/her. Restore to him/her the joy of Thy salvation and sustain him/her with a willing spirit. Then I know he/she will teach transgressors Your ways, oh Lord, and sinners will be converted to Thee (Psalm 51:10-13).
Holy Spirit, teach me how to honor and pray effectively for my pastor and his/her family (James 5:16 b); Raise up a faithful prayer shield round about him/her.
Patricia L. Wenzel
WOC Graduate
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