Tuesday, August 16, 2005

busy Miss Martha

Let's begin today by examining an average day in the life of busy Miss Martha. Martha's average day begins at 6:45 a.m. Now Martha is not a morning person, so getting up at 6:45 is, in itself a challenge. But, nonetheless, she is up and ready to invest herself in the life of her day. By 7:45 Miss M has managed to wash her face, brush her teeth, make her bed, start a load of laundry, fold the load from the night before, open all her window blinds, make her morning protein drink and drink it, take her medicine and maybe even her vitamins. All of this with her
eyes only half opened. Okay, I know it doesn't sound like much, but hey, she's moving.

Now ever-present, all the time on Martha's mind is she needs and wants to spend some time with the Lord in praise, prayer, and in His Word seeking to know Him better. So, maybe, as much out of desire as out of duty, she sits and does a quick, 5-20 minute devotion. She bows her head in prayer (ever mindful of the ticking of the clock) says a quick, Amen and she's up and running to get through the rest of her morning routine to get out the door on off to work on time. By now it's around 8:00 a.m. and she has to leave the house by 8:35 at the latest to arrive
at work on time. Before we go on, let's do a quick time scan of the possible hours she has in her day to accomplish all that she believes is required of her. If we begin with the given 24, and minus 8 for sleeping, 9 for work, 1 for driving time to and from work, and the time she has used already to get going in her day, she is left with 4.5 potential hours to do everything else. And we all know that the, everything else -her husband, kids, dinner preparation, church meeting, choir practice, exercise, etc. - is not going to fit into 4.5 hours. But that won't stop Martha from trying. To be continued tomorrow...

My Question For You:

Are you catching a glimpse of why Martha isn't enjoying more Mary moments? What would you say to Martha to encourage her heart?


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