“You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.” Galatians 5:13
As we have been focusing on modesty this week and seeking to love our brothers by not being a stumbling block to them, I can’t help but think we need to understand balance. Lest you think I am advocating a return to floor length dresses or face veils I want to communicate the heart of love not law. How do we balance proper dress out of love for our brother without becoming legalistic about it? The difference is in the heart. There is a world of difference between being modest because ‘I gotta’, and being modest as an act of relational obedience and love for Christ and our bothers. One is a result of outward compliance the other the result of a heart of love.
I believe we are called by God to bring every area of our life under the authority of God. It’s not man’s rules or regulations that should be our highest concern but rather the expression of God’s heart in our lives. Are you willing to take your wardrobe to the Lord with an open hand and let
Him sort through it and discard those things you believe are not pleasing to Him? If you are holding on to your freedom to wear what you want with a closed fist…it’s time for a heart check.
We’re almost done, one more day on this very sensitive and difficult topic. Tomorrow is the hardest yet.
Your challenge today is to ask yourself if you are willing to change if God expresses His desire for you to do so. Are you willing or are you dismissing those nagging thoughts? Are you willing?
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