Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Early Fruit

Psalm 127:3-4, �Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one�s youth.�

As we continue our series on fruit-bearing, today we are going to rally around and encourage mothers of young children. As I was preparing this series, I could hear the echoes of the discouraged voices of mothers I have spoken to over the years because they felt side-lined or benched for the season. These are the women who are not encouraged by our devotionals this week, but rather they feel guilty because they don�t feel like they are bearing fruit because there are so many other demands on their time. If you are one of these women, this devotional is for you.
Unfortunately, we live in a society that has lost its vision of what is valuable. I want to encourage you that if you are at home raising children or trying to balance a job and family, God will use you right where you are. As you live daily to God�s glory you will bear the fruit of righteousness. There is no greater calling than to raise up the next generation to love the Lord. That is your ministry. It is a tough ministry with great rewards.
You are a powerful influence for the kingdom of God. You are on the front lines of the battle. You are vastly significant in God�s plan and purpose for His people. God has intentionally placed you as the mother of your children. In fact, He has hand selected your children to be in your family because He knows this is where they will get His best for their life.
Stay focused, dear sister. This season will pass all too quickly. If you have suffered with a poor or sinful attitude, repent and move forward. You cannot reclaim a single moment that is past, but you can determine to stake a claim for the future by living moment-by-moment in God�s grace in the present. A good way to do this is to ask God the question throughout the day, �Lord, how can I glorify You right now?�
You will probably fail multiple times. Keep getting up. Keep getting up. Keep getting up.
If I could, I would wrap you in a hug, and let you know, God loves you even when you can�t get to Women�s Bible study, or make a casserole for the pot luck, or teach at the Vacation Bible School.
Your primary ministry is first to your husband and second to your children. It is in that context in which the fruit of your life will be nurtured and grow. Do not let anything or anyone rob you of that calling.

Your challenge for today is to ask God, �How can I glorify You right now?� throughout your day.


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