We all go through all kinds of preparations to meet different people in our lives or to attend a special function. I know that each day I will make preparation for the day based on what the day may bring forth. It should be no different when we prepare to hear from God. The spiritual exercise we can practice to make ourselves fully available to hear from God is the discipline of fasting. Fasting is abstaining from something for the purpose of using that time to seek the Lord, His mind and His will for your life.
Christ addresses the issue of fasting in several ways; first he fasted for forty days in preparation for his ministry (Matt. 4:1,2), then he told us in what manner we will fast in Matt 6:6-18, and he also told us that once he leaves us we will fast again (Matt. 9:14,15). The one thing scripture does not instruct us regarding fasting is when to fast. The Focus is on God and not on those things that draw away our attention from Him and toward ourselves. Common areas we fast: food, activities, sleep and intimate relationships. This puts ourselves in the position that God can work through us and talk to us. We take the time from the activities we are fasting from to spend the time with him.
Check out some examples of fasting in scripture:
Special Revelation: Daniel 9:1-5 ~ Daniel gave ATTENTION to God with prayer and fasting. Neh. 1: 3-7 ~ Nehemiah fasted asking God to do something regarding the state of Jerusalem. In Neh. 2: 1-2 ~ God answers and makes the way for Nehemiah to rebuild the City Walls.
Direction: Acts 13 ~ God answers after the Church fasting and prayer and sends out Paul and Barnabas.
Protection: 2 Chron. 20:3-4 ~ Jehoshaphat proclaimed a fast to seek help from the enemy. God answered and destroyed the enemy.
Mourning Sin, repentance and forgiveness: Deut. 9:18 ~ Moses fasted over the sins of the nation. This is the first recorded fast in scripture. Jonah 3:7-9 ~ the entire city of Nineveh was spared from destruction when they all prayed and fasted.
For Sickness: 2 Samuel 12:15-23 and Psalm 35:13 ~ David saw fasting as a way to ask God for physical healing.
Are you Sick? Are you confused? Are you in a storm? Do you need answers? Do not underestimate the power of fasting. Never forget the power of prayer!
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