Recently I was going for a walk around the lake here at Keswick with my son and two of my neighbors. It was about 7:30 in the evening and the grounds were quiet. My one neighbor remarked how peaceful and quiet it was and she asked me if I enjoyed peace and quiet. To which I replied; "yes, it's great, I love the peace and quiet". She agreed and said she liked to spend time with her bible when it was quiet. She then shared with me that she had asked Jesus into her heart and she very directly inquired if I had asked Jesus into my heart. I told her yes I did and that I loved Jesus. She said she loved him too. Then I shared with her that my son also loved Jesus. She was very intent on making sure it was a true transaction of faith and asked me point blank, "But did he ask Jesus into his heart?" I assured her he had done so. She also shared her joy in her eternal security and said; "I am really glad I did that because I will forever be with God and I will never have to go to Hell, which is a burning lake of fire."
Rev. 20:15 If anyone's name was not found written in the Book of Life he was thrown into the lake of fire.
Let me let you in on the most remarkable part of this story; the neighbor I am speaking of is five years old! She is a fiery little thing with a sincere concern for the souls of people around her. Who knows what the Lord will do with such a passion.
I can relate to her passion, I had that same passion at one time and sadly I must admit I have not stoked the fire in me enough. It was also a humbling and convicting moment for me. How many times have I let an opportunity to witness to someone go by, or not even look for an opportunity! I was ashamed of myself and glad for the conviction. Later that evening I was sharing the story with my son (who is 11) and he asked me how hot I thought Hell was. I answered; "I'm not really sure but it's probably hotter than we could imagine." I added that even worse than the eternal fire would be the eternal separation from God with no hope of ever being saved. He then said; "Mom, don't you think God can be a little harsh?" I said no, He sent His only Son to suffer so we don't have to. We can choose.
Allow me to stoke the fire and make this personal;
Do you love Jesus? Have you set your affections upon Him? Have you asked Him into your heart? Have you surrendered your life to Him?
If the answer is no or you are not even sure how to be sure, let me extend the offer to email us back at Victory Call today. We are here for this very purpose
Mark 19:14
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these
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"All my music is free."
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