Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Releasing the Fragrance (Part 2)

Releasing the Fragrance (Part 2)

"For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task?" 2 Cor. 2: 15-16

This analogy was used by Paul to the Corinthians because it gave them a vivid picture of how as Christians we are to make sure people can "smell" Christ in us. You see this verse refers to the Romans and how after a victory they would march through Rome in a victory parade (think of our Ticker Tape Parades in NYC). The entire city would show up, incense would be burning and flowers were thrown at the soldiers' feet. This created quite the smell throughout the area and if you weren't there, you would know exactly what was going on by the aroma in the air around Rome. So, to the Romans it meant victory and life for the Roman Empire, to the captives they paraded through the streets they knew it meant certain hardships or death. There land had been conquered - it was over for them.

So, what does this mean to us...?

See, God leads us in a continual victory march and as we go through life we are to let it be known that Christ gives LIFE and frees us from DEATH and DESTRUCTION. We are to be Christ to the world... at work, play, in church, in our neighborhoods, everywhere we go....

Many of you like me have jobs that mean we interact daily with non-Christians and people that do not know Christ as Savior. Now, I can go to work and do my job and that's it, or I can go to work and through my words, actions, and attitudes make my faith in Christ known. It is a challenge and often very hard - it is easier to be silent. Paul reminds us that people should know who we belong to and that we have victory through Christ. Each day I have to ask myself self: Who did I smell like today? Christ or my sinful and selfish self? How about you?

Ladies, Bloom where ever God has placed you and let the fragrance of Christ be known.


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