Monday, July 03, 2006

What if...

Thursday, 6/2/06 - Stephaine wrote the following VC in her car on the way to work.:

What if...
What if you did all that was up to you to do? What if in the midst of it, you prayed, pleaded, begged, fasted, discipled, and oh, yeah and made mistakes (you know -didn't do some things right) disciplined too hard; not enough, too soon, too late. What if you loved with the best that was in you day-by-day, moment by moment? What if you were in church, at church, with church people (believers, other followers of Christ) most of your spare time? What if you guarded, protected, cared for, stood in the gap for, cried out to God for? What if you did Sunday school, Children's Church, Youth Group, Missions Trips and Home Schooled?
What if you did all of the above and more, for your children believing with all your heart that they would grow up and not depart from all that training...and they walked away to do whatever was right in their own minds?
What if....?

Then God!
Then God!
Then God!
We must remember God is great!
He is sufficient!
He is able to take the heart that feels tattered and broken and keep it safe and secure.

Dear my beloved one:
There are moments you will want give up and give in. I implore you-
Go to Him with everything from the bitter to the sweet.
Remember, He neither slumbers nor sleeps. He is present-everywhere, all the time. He sees that child of yours. He sees you. Trust Him with your precious one and remember no matter what happens, He is God and He is in control.


That same morning, Stephanie received a call that her precious child was on the way to the hospital in another state on the west coast. Within an hour two more calls came in with the grave news that her daughter's liver was failing and that she was on life-support. Before leaving for San Franscisco herself, Stephanie made the comment that what she thought was a Victory Call was actually her loving Heavenly Father, speaking truth to her heart what He knew she was going to need in just a few hours later.


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