Tuesday, September 12, 2006

the greatest joys

One of the greatest joys a Christian can experience is for God to use you to help someone else learn of Christ and have them accept Him as their Savior. John 1:12

The other night I had difficulty going to sleep. Earlier in the evening I had talked to two of my grandsons, ages 13 and 15. They had just returned from a six-day missions trip to Philadelphia with some of their youth group and leaders. It was an area where drugs were bought and sold. Grant and Tyler were excited to tell me of the tracts and Bibles they gave. They were especially happy about some children who prayed to receive Jesus in their hearts. God used the youth group for His glory. He kept them safe and brought them home with the names of the children to keep in their prayers. They had given out not just Bibles, but verses to read and learn, such as: John 3:16; Romans 3:23; Ephesians 2:8-9; John 1:12.
They told the children, "Take a Bible home and tell others about Jesus!"

I, too, took the names of the children, and that night was the night I had difficulty sleeping. So I started to pray! First, I thanked God for His goodness and for His love for our family. I especially thanked Him for safety for the boys in an unsafe neighborhood. I prayed, and I prayed for many, and I cried some, too. I forgot about my sleepless night!

Then God brought to my mind the precious experiences of leading some to Christ over the seventy-three years He has given me. I know how my grandsons feel! They will never forget those children, and I pray they continue to want to serve the Lord.

I'd like to finish this in a third Victory Call and tell you a few more joys in leading others to Jesus - joys that you, too, can have. As I was writing this, God brought names and faces to my mind, and I plan to have some great times of prayer! I might forget all the names, but God never does! The great thing is that some of these same people now continue to pray for me. One is my own daughter-in-law, and another is my own granddaughter. Thank You, Lord!


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