Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I believe, but......

I believe, but......
I wish I could tell you the number of times I have heard these words. Yeah, but....
In the course of counseling, as I endeavor to draw a person's attention to the One True God, to the Sovereign One, to the heart and character of Jesus Christ, usually I will get acknowledgement and agreement only to be followed with, 'but....'
Let me give you just a few examples:
I know God is faithful, but I'm afraid I'll get cancer.
I know God is sovereign, but my husband won't change.
I know God is good, but I don't understand why this person had to die.
I know God is love, but I can't love her.
I know God is forgiving, but I have been too hurt.
I know God can do all things, but what if he doesn't choose to.
I know God can heal, but what if my mother dies.
You get the picture. Every one of those statements of faith is nullified as soon as we say "but...."The moment we say 'but' we have taken our eyes off of Jesus and put them on our situation.
I want to challenge you; every time you hear yourself adding BUT to the end of a statement of truth...stop!! Do not negate the truth by adding "but". Just stop. Leave the truth stand alone.

I believe.

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