Friday, December 15, 2006

Just Thinking...Life Changes

Just Thinking...Life Changes

In the past few weeks and months life has changed drastically and dramatically for quite a number of people around me. Just yesterday, in the late evening, someone who was near to me...but not necessarily close, has gone home to be with the Lord.

For the 'bride of His youth', life has changed. There are things that -for her- will simply be no more. Things like the sound of her groom calling out her name; his footsteps, his greeting at the end of a day; the warm kisses of his mouth; the sound of his voice seeking the Lord of behalf of others, etc., etc. I could go on and an. The point is, in a moment it's all changed; all different and it will never ever be the same.

This will be the second home going in recent months that has greatly impacted my heart. As a wife, I am more and more, mindful of so many little things that my husband and I take for granted in relation to each other. Good things that we share without much attention and notice of the details. I want to savor those moments so much more than I do. I want to be intentional about making time for those moments. It's a needful thing and I pray for the strength to make it happen.

When those dear to you pass from life to death, it has a way of forcing you to pause in the midst of your doing and think...about so many things. For one thing I am thinking of the importance of speaking much more kindness to all whom I say I care for and love. I'm thinking I will intentionally fuss less and bless more. I'm thinking about following my heart more honestly, being less focused on pleasing people and more focused on pleasing God. I'm thinking of the cost paid for my freedom on earth and in heaven. As a result, there is more singing, praising and the offering of the very middle of much sadness.

I've also been thinking about going deeper; drawing nearer to those who are dear to me...while I can. Time passes and life changes so quickly. In a brief moment those mentioned above, were here in the present and then poof...gone into eternity.

So dear ones, my prayer for each of you today, is that God would speak to each individual heart and show you the people you need to go to. The loved ones you've been meaning to talk to and see, but have just been too busy. Get to it! Go and tell them or better yet show them by being there that they really do matter. Wrap your arms about them and speak a good word in their ear. And if you need to say I'm sorry, do it.

Sisters, all too quickly time passes, life changes and without any notice we are staring at empty chairs and aware of empty spaces around us that someone we loved much, had once filled with their presence.

Let us today, choose to treasure the gifts we have been given by living The Gift today.


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