Friday, December 29, 2006

To Little Letters

To Little Letters

To even the casual observer it's obvious to see that we live in a society that is running full speed ahead with the attitude and lifestyle of entitlement and excess. The fact that I know so few people who are not affected by it is indication of just how pervasive it is and how entrenched we -followers of the King of Kings- have become in it.
How did it happen? I know that none of us ever planned on it. So how did we become steeped in indulgence and excess? How did the practice of "No" slip away from us and when did it happen?
Two little letters: N.O! - So seemingly simple and yet so hard.

One area of my life where the lack of "No" is plain for anyone to see is in the area of food and the eating of it. Until recently I rarely if ever said no to myself. (Praise God for brand new days and brand new beginnings!)
Why has it been and why is it so difficult for me to say no when it comes to food? The simple basic truth is, "I love to eat." I love thinking about food; I love the planning and preparation of food; I love sitting down and eating food. There are times when I savor each and every morsel and there are other times that I am inhaling it for the simple yet momentary pleasure that it brings me.
Not to long ago my Mom and I were talking about how powerful the word "No" is on a personal and a spiritual level. She and my sister have slowly been exercising the power of those two little letters "N.O." The result for them is little by little they are experiencing a freedom from the tyranny of constant eating or over-eating (what the Bible calls gluttony). They are experiencing growth in their personal relationships with other people and they are experiencing closer walks with the Lord as there is less time spent on food and more time spent being in His presence.

There is a peaceful power that comes from saying "No". Just because I can does not mean that I should. I could easily list a hundred things that saying no to, would give me instant release and reason to praise God.
I believe there is a true freedom which comes from saying "No" to myself; my way' and what I want and saying "Yes" to God's way and what He wants.
It is true that God gave us our appetites and that He created everything good for us to joy in.

Dear ones, today is the day. Now is the time to enter fully into the joy of our salvation. Join me in saying no to whatever area of indulgence and excess we have allowed and saying yes to Our Heavenly Father and His perfect plan for us. Let's say "Yes, Lord Yes! We want You -time with You. In whatever way we can get it, as often as we can seek You and be satisfied.

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