Get in the Gap!!
The other night my husband and I were in prayer together and something he sought God for on behalf of our daughter grabbed my attention and encouraged me all the more to get in the gap and stay there. In his talking with God He asked the Lord to guard and protect our daughter even though she resists coming to Him for herself.
As I have been reading the Bible these past few weeks -as I would read a
novel- Moses and his people leapt to the front of my thinking. Over and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again... Moses went to the Lord on behalf of God's children. Children the Lord loved enough to save from captivity in Egypt. God delivered them from bondage and a host of other life threatening predicaments and situations. And still they (just like us) resisted, disobeyed, and longed to return to captivity for the mere taste of leeks, onions and garlic. Rather than humble themselves in the sight of God and seek His face, worship Him, and ask for help to deal with their circumstances, not to mention their flesh, they grumbled and complained.
Praise God for Moses and for the friendship relationship he had with his God. Moses consistently (not perfectly) sought the Lord. He even petitioned God for mercy on their behalf when God had determined to discipline them for their sin(s).
Just as my husband stands in the gap for my daughter, Moses stood in the gap for his people. There was no other like Moses. Just think where God's people would have been if there wasn't one to stand in the gap on their behalf?
Dear ones, we need to GET IN THE GAP!! We must determine to tirelessly go
before the Lord, to make a stand for righteousness and holiness, to seek God's mercies for ourselves and those we love. We must make a stand right now! The lives of our loved ones are at stake!
We need to pray even if it appears nothing is changing or happening. None of us know for sure the moment-by-moment impact or effect our prayers are, or may be, having in the spirit realm. We just don't know.
The enduring faith of one prayer warrior, of one person who is willing to get in the gap, and take a stand for those in our lives who may be ignorantly resisting God can reap generations of blessings. Let's pray for those who wander aimlessly in the dessert to come to an end of all their foolishness, to humble themselves before the Lord, turn from their wicked ways, be healed and step into the blessing of freedom that comes from Christ alone.
And on a personal note, let's repent; let's put to death the deeds or our own flesh -gossiping, slandering tongues, critical judgmental spirits, haughty attitudes, etc., etc. Let's go to God and ask Him to reveal the besetting sins in our own hearts and lives, remembering there is one who stands in the gap for us, lest we like God's people of old be burned up with fire or swallowed up by the very ground that we stand on. Selah
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