Let's face it. There are some things we do in our daily lives that are just that - monotonous rituals. Start with the alarm clock (we hit the snooze button once - or maybe twice), start the coffee pot perking, hit the shower, take our various and assorted medications and vitamins, grab a piece of toast or, if you're lucky, an ooey, gooey cinnamon roll, brush your teeth and head for the door. And so the day will go. These are routines that we perform almost without thinking about them because they are routine, albeit important and needing to be done.
And there is nothing wrong with those kinds of things. No one is going to try and convince you that there is any real joy in brushing your teeth (your own or those acquired at some time in your life). But there are things we do during the course of our day that can become monotonous rituals that should NEVER be allowed to become so.
Is your prayer life taking on a certain monotonous character? How about your personal devotions? Or your Bible study? Or your church attendance?
I will confess that all too often I find myself sitting down to pray or have my devotions because I need to do that, and it's "that time of day" when I usually do it. And when I finish, how do I feel? Frequently the answer is "OK, that's done. Now I can move on to the next thing on my list of things to do."
And I have robbed myself of the rewarding joy that should be a part of every part of my prayer life, my Bible reading, my church attendance. Joy in being in God's presence, joy in being able to speak to and be heard by the sovereign God of the universe, joy in experiencing the Holy Spirit speak back to me God's words of love, wisdom and teaching.
So, I say, God, keep me from falling into monotonous routines when it comes to praying, reading Your Word, or joining with fellow believers in worship, and fill my days - every one of them -- with the rewarding joy of Your very presence in my life.
Lynn is the Director of Human Resources at America's KESWICK; is active in her local church; enjoys serving and encouraging others.
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