Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Just Point Them to Jesus

Just Point

Them to JesusI recently spent some time with a hurting friend. Our circumstances are similar. I tried to help the best I could and shared what I know God had been teaching me lately. I even told my friend that just because this is what God has clearly shown me to do I could not tell her this is what she has to do. I don't have all the answers. I just know what God has told me. My final advice was for her to hear Jesus on the matter and do what He tells her to do.

When I have conversations like this. I tend to replay them in my mind and wish I had said something different, something more profound, something with more depth, something that would be the answer to the problem. I feel so inadequate at times. But I was reminded that my "job" is not to always have the answers but to always point others to Christ. He is the answer! I felt that I had done that and I regained peace about my conversation.

Who do you know that is hurting? Do you know it is okay not to solve their problem but show them the Solution? It is good to listen, to give of your time and to pray without having to have the answer. Don't belittle your acts of friendship and kindness. I am sure if my friend knew I had these thoughts she would tell me she didn't want the answer, just the encouragement and support.

"A friend loves at all times..." Proverbs 17:17 NKJV"A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24 NKJV

Regardless of what you know, and how much you know, in the end it only matters Who you know. Point them to Jesus!

Kathy Withers is on staff full-time at the Keswick Book and Gift Shop. She is married to her husband, Dave and has two adult children. Kathy is active in her local church. Her passion is the Word of God and encouraging women to dig deeper into the truths of the Bible

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