The dating you remember the fun you had when you got to the age of dating? Oh, the excitement that filled your heart at the thought of who might ask you. The questions that came to mind...who will it be, where we will go, how should I dress, what should I say. The butterflies you would feel at the very thought of being asked and then to say yes and have to go out with them.
When we date we tend to think of created places to go and spend time together; maybe things that don't need a lot of money, too. Places where we would feel comfortable going to. Places where we feel that we can just be ourselves.
I have three men in my life that I still date. Dating is opens up communication, you get to know each other better, your love for one another grows and you build trust in each other. I find that dating my husband and 2 sons leaves us with a richer and better understanding for each other.
Years ago I had a friend who would grab her Bible and tell me she was headed for the beach for her date. After a few weeks, I asked her who she was dating, since I had not seen any man in her life. She chuckled and told me it was not just any man....but her date was time alone with the Lord.
You know, the same principles apply to this situation as they do in our human way of dating... If we take the time to get alone with the Lord (and I don't mean just five minutes here or there) our lives can be so enriched.
We as women tend to be moms, career women, and wives, women involved in ministry and always on the go. Our time spent with the Lord might be over a short devotion or a quick prayer here or there over our cup of coffee.
Oh, the joy of..."having a date"...with the Lord, going to the beach, taking a long walk or drive and spending time just with Him. Your communication with Him, your trust in Him, your respect towards Him, your love for Him and a better understanding of who He is and what He means to you will be more evident each time you go on your date.
You don't need to worry about your dress, you don't have to spend any money and you never have to worry about Him saying He is too busy or not available. You know He waits for us to spend time with Him. He created each and every one of us because He loves us. Just like we date people in our lives because we love them and want to be with them, the Lord feels the same way about us.
Check your calendar this week and make a special date with Him. Maybe even pack a cup of coffee, your Bible and a list of things you want to thank Him for. Prepare your heart and ask Him to help you two to get better acquainted.
Enjoy the blessings that you get from your date.
Lynn W.
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