My four year old grandson, Elijah, loves stories or shows that have anything to do with pirates and of course...TREASURE! For Christmas he received a treasure chest that has "gold" coins, "jewels" and a treasure map. This is his favorite toy! All children seem to love treasure and the idea of finding it. Well, I don't think it really stops with the kids but carries on right through to adulthood. What is true today was also true in biblical times. But what is true treasure? Is it gold, silver, sapphires or some other jewels?
In Job 28 (please take the time to read this chapter), Job discusses this very subject with Eliphaz, Bildad and Shuhite, his three friends. As the chapter begins, he describes how a person must go into the depths of the earth, search in the farthest recesses, into the blackest darkness, where not even a lion would dare to go, to mine treasure. Yet, man will go into the depths and darkness to search for one nugget of gold or some precious jewel. Then Job asks a question in 28:12-13, "But where can wisdom be found? Where does understanding dwell? Man does not comprehend its worth: it cannot be found in the land of the living."
Isn't this just like you and me? We will go to any lengths to find that "treasure." No, I don't mean we go into the mine shaft to find a diamond. But don't some people go to extraordinary lengths to find and get their "treasure" however they define "treasure?" This past Christmas season revealed to the world the lengths some people will go. At a Walmart in Long Island, a 34 year old man was trampled to death because many wanted to get to the "treasure" first.1 Is a man's life worth a television or some latest fad toy? Sadly, apparently some think so in our world today.
Wisdom and understanding are treasures whose price can not even be compared or measured to the mere trinkets of gold, silver or precious jewels. And if its worth is so great, shouldn't you and I desire some of it? So where is this priceless treasure?
Job 28:23 "God understands the way to it, and he alone knows where it dwells... (vs. 28) And he said to man 'The fear of the Lord - that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.'"
There it reverence our Lord, to try to comprehend His awesomeness...this is wisdom. To "shun evil is understanding." We need to have discernment and insight so that we can recognize evil when we come face to face with it. To understand means to know with the mind. 2 There is evil all around and most of it looks like real treasure. You and I must be all the more diligent to be filled with wisdom and understanding from the Lord, because the days are growing short.
The best place I know to "mine" wisdom and understanding is in Scripture. No treasure map needed, just open the Bible and read and ask God to reveal His treasure to you. He is always ready to bless those who honestly seek Him. The priceless treasure of wisdom and understanding is waiting there just for you.
Just like the joy and eagerness Elijah has with his "treasure chest" my prayer is that we all have that same joy and excitement with the Lord's true treasure.
MaryAnn and John Kiernan have been married for 35 years, have 2 grown/married sons and are the proud grandparents of two grandsons. She serves at America's KESWICK as a Biblical Counselor and also as Intake Coordinator for the Colony of Mercy. Her life verse is Romans 8:28.
1 retrieved 1/12/09
2 retrieved 1/12/09
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