Tuesday, March 03, 2009

God Changes Lives

I'm in the business of ministry here at Americas KESWICK doing what God alone has equipped me to do (no matter how ill-equipped I feel or think I am). The work here is not about me. It is ALL ABOUT HIM!! It is in Him that I live and breathe and move and have my being. It is by His strength; His power; His might; His wisdom...His everything that there is an iota of ability, etc., and so, everything here is ALL ABOUT HIM, His glory and His kingdom. [Zechariah 4:6, Acts 17:28]

Never, no never, will it on any level be about me! It is God alone who changes willing, submissive hearts and lives. He alone is the burden bearer, the restorer of sight to the blind. He is the One who, in Christ, abides in us as hope and love and joy and kindness. It is He, in His extreme grace, that has gifted us to be and do His will in the earth. He has enabled us to be "Jesus with skin" to the hurting, afflicted, wounded, lost and dying. He is the balm of Gilead and we are the tube through which the salve is applied so that through Him hope will come and then healing change begin to take place in the lives of those to whom we minister grace and truth. [1 Peter 5:7, Luke 4:18]

It is this knowledge, this true thing, that God alone is the One who does the work in the heart using us to touch the soul, which enables me to go home at night and sleep in peace. He is God, the everlasting God, and I am not. He is the One who lifts up the hurting (that includes me) on eagles wings so that we might soar high and higher still, safe and secure in the knowledge that He is everywhere present all the time, never asleep and always loving us as He seeks to perfect in us His plan and purpose that the world may know Him and glorify His name. [Isaiah 40:31-32]

What business, work, field of service, etc., has Father God called you to? Are you imaging the Son in that place?

Our encouragement for today is to remember that God is God and we are not. He alone knows the beginning from the ending, the start from the finish and everything in between. If you are walking around today feeling down and blue, or feeling like a failure because someone you have been and are praying for, just isn't getting it, may I remind you that it is God and God alone who changes hearts and transforms lives.


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