1 John 3:1 "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"
As you read this I know that Valentine's Day has come and gone. I hope you remembered all those you love dearly with a note or a card. I hope you received at least one note or card from someone who loves you, too. It certainly is nice to remember someone you hold dear but we don't have to save it all up for only one day out of 365! I must say that I'm so grateful that my Abba Father doesn't save up His "I love you's" for one day of the year, but in His mercy and grace continually sends me love notes through His Word, through His creation and through ordinary people just like you and me. The question is, will we keep our eyes open in anticipation?
Those love notes are there. Our Heavenly Father, of course, showed His love for us with the ultimate gift of grace through Jesus; but He doesn't stop there. The verse in 1 John tells us about His love for us and that He lavishes us with His love! I can't comprehend this but I'm a recipient of it without a doubt!
Have you ever felt downcast, then received a "thinking of you" card, or a phone call from a friend you haven't heard from in a while, or a thoughtful little gift...or even better yet...an unexpected hug? Maybe there has been a time that the Lord brought someone to your mind and you reached out to that person in any number of ways and they told you how much that little gesture meant to them. I call these "love notes" from God.
I recently received one of those love notes at a time when my heart was heavy. In the midst of it my daughter-in-law Liza called to tell me my grandson was in his room packing his suitcase. When she asked why he was packing and where he was going, he answered with a definitive "I'm going to Baba's house!" Right then and there my heavy heart was lightened and you bet I went straight over to pick him up, work night or not! That was the Lord lavishing His love on me through Elijah! You bet I heard an "I love you...love God" in that precious gift.
In turn we are meant to listen when God places someone on our hearts so He can use us as His messengers of love. I had an opportunity to do just that today. A friend came to mind that I had not spoken to in a while so I sent a short email. Do you know, a reply came back saying that they had been praying for someone to reach out to them and my note was just what they had prayed for!
Those lavish "love notes" from God are all around not only for us to receive (so keep your eyes open) but also to be given away (so keep your ears open to God's leading).
Aren't you glad God doesn't save His "I love you's" for just one day?
Mary Ann
MaryAnn and John Kiernan have been married for 35 years, have 2 grown/married sons and are the proud grandparents of two grandsons. She serves at America's KESWICK as a Biblical Counselor and also as Intake Coordinator for the Colony of Mercy. Her life verse is Romans 8:28.
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