Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fill Me

Strip me of all that is me and fill me with all that is You.  

Recently, during a counseling session, I found myself praying: "Strip me of all that is me and fill me with all that is You." 

I was somewhat caught off guard by the impact of the statement on myself so I took a moment to jot it down. "Strip me of all that is me and fill me with all that is You."

It's not a new thought, by any means, but it was so unintentional on my part during my prayer that I was struck by what God was saying to me in that moment.   John communicated a similar thought in John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease."

As I consider how to share my heart with you, I can think of nothing of value to add. So today's Victory Call will simply share this statement for your edification and meditation today.  As you meditate on this prayer, know there are 800+ others considering the same thought today.  

Strip me of all that is me and fill me with all that is You.

... that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Eph 3:19 


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