I have recently been challenged with this question. Now, if I was honest, I would tell you that I crave coffee every morning. But, that's not exactly what I am asking myself with this question.
Scripture tells us that as the deer pants for water, so we should pant for God. "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God" (Psalms 42:1). After I take my dog for a walk she immediately comes in seeking water, and often if we find a puddle or walk by the lake she will drink from it. Based on that observation and the above Scripture, I have to ask myself - do I seek out God like my dog seeks out water after a walk? In the summer, if I am working outside or in the heat - I understand the craving for water or liquid refreshment.
At KESWICK, we deal with men who are struggling to overcome different addictions in their lives. It is probably appropriate to say that they once craved a substance or something in a powerful way. My husband craved heroin in his past to a point that all he thought about was when and how he could get it.
Do I crave God like that? I hate to say it, but probably not. There are definitely times I am drawn to God and I am looking forward to spending time with Him, but certainly not in the way that people crave drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling, or food. It is even safe to say that I do not crave God to the point that I crave food.
1 Peter 2:2 states: "Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation..." Have you been around a hungry baby? Do you desire God or a spiritual connection with God like a baby desires their bottle?
Based on this question I am attempting to spend time with God before each meal and before I go to bed at night. Not a lot of time, just some reading or prayer. Maybe for you it might be that you need to spend time with God before a certain TV show that you just can't miss, or before you read a book - or go shopping. Whichever it is... Do you seek to spend time with God as much as you feel the need to do other things in your life?
Lynne Jahns
Welcome back Lynne, we've missed your writing. Congratulations on your accomplishment of completing the requirements for your Doctorate. Soon, Lynne will officially be Dr. Lynne Jahns.
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