The Sounds of the Pines....
It was a beautiful spring day with the sun shining, birds singing and the smell of spring in the air. A guest walked in and said she just loved the sound of the pine trees in the spring. She said it sounded like "whispers in the pines."
After she left I began staring out the window at the trees and remembered a time that those same trees had a howling sound going through them. The days were colder, the sun was not shining so brightly and the birds seemed to be nestled someplace where I could not hear them singing.
Where are you in life? There are times when we can sit back and feel God's whispers in our lives....we feel the gentle breeze of His hand touching our lives, you can almost feel His warmth on your face like sunshine and instead of the bird are filled with words of song and praise.
Then there are times when the cold howling winds are creeping in your life. Your body feels chilled, cold and empty. The warm touch is gone and the songs have left your mind.
When I was chatting with the guest about the sounds she heard in the trees...she mentioned that she was from the city and ever since she moved here she just loved the sound of the trees. This made me reflect on how, in our own lives, busyness can crowd out the sounds we need to hear. Just like the tall buildings of the city, the large crowds, the loud noises from the cars and buses - these same types of sounds can creep into our lives and deafen the sounds of whispers.
The verse comes to mind....Psalm 46:10 " still and know that I am God." Reflect on this verse for a minute with me.
Be Still - don't move, no movement, freeze.
And know - feel it deep down, to truly know, no doubts.
That I am God - it ends here, He is the only God, He is my God, He is taking care of me.
These are the thoughts that came to my mind when I broke this verse down. To paraphrase this verse according to Lynn.....Don't move, feel it deep down with no doubts, that I am your God and will take care of you. What does this verse mean to you?
If your life is busy with a "city" life style, loud noises, schedules running around you like loud cars and buses, and too many tall buildings crowding your vision or hearing; stop what you are doing and be still. Be still and know. Be still and know that. Be still and know that I am GOD.
Be still for a minute, breath in and out, take one long breath. Prepare yourself to listen for the whispers of God calling your name. Listen to the whispers of Him saying "I love you, my child." Listen to the whispers of Him directing you. Let the springtime of whispers and sounds enter your life today.
Lynn W.
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