Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Time One

Today and for the next day or so I want to revisit a series of Victory Calls written a few years ago, as I believe the topic to be something that may well serve some of us in the present tense.

Recently, in conversation with someone regarding the use of our time, God by His Holy Spirit infused some very practical wisdom into our session. My friend shared with me how she often feels guilty if she takes time off to "just do nothing." I can't remember how many times I have heard those words spoken over the years, and often by some of the busiest women I know. As my friend and I talked about this guilt and why we seem to feel it regardless of our best intentions, the Holy Spirit stepped in and gave us an unmistakable answer. His words - not mine - were as follows: "The reason you feel guilt is because we, Father, Son and Holy Spirit have been absent from your day." We were both stunned by this revelation. However, we both had to admit to each other the extreme truth of it. Yes, we were both given to having many "mini" devotions and yet, peace was definitely lacking. There just didn't seem to be enough time in a day to accomplish all the tasks that we set for ourselves and still have time for more meaningful moments of repose before the God of our salvation.
I'm sure at this point God chuckled at our silliness. We all get 24 hours, no more, no less. If this is what God has given us, then surely it is sufficient. As our conversation continued, the Holy Spirit led me in a very practical way to "get real" about the time that we have.

Since it will be impossible to share all of this with you in one Victory Call, I'll spread it out over a few days, so as to do justice to what God shared with us. I believe with all my heart that this is applicable to so many of us and my sincere hope is that we are challenged to draw near, and nearer still, to God.

I pray that we will be unafraid to do as the Preacher in Ecclesiastes 1:13, to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven, as it relates to pursuing communion with God. If it means I get disciplined and organized in the use of my time, then I am willing.

My Question For You Today: What does time with God look like in your daily life?

Stephanie Paul

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